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Stash's Backstreet Lover's Page

This story I recieved through e-mail if this is your story and you do not want me to put it here please e-mail me and tell me.

If you don't have a sense of humor please don't read this.

Also Angelfire doesn't allow curse words on these pages so you'll have to try and figure the words out.

Due to computer error, the Boys hotel was overbooked. Thus forcing the guys to share rooms for the first time since reaching world wide fame. Of course Nick and Brian chose to share a room, while Kevin, Howie, and AJ are left thrown together in the adjoining room. We meet up with the Boys the night after a big show. the scene starts in Nick and Brian's room, both are asleep, and the lights are off. The only sund to be heard is Nick's spineless whimpering, because the little pansy is afraid of the dark. The silence is suddenly broken by a loud knock at the dorr. Nick scurries out of bed, and throws on the light revealing his footed Barney PJ's. And then a voice comes from outside their room door.

AJ: "Howie! Let me in!"

Nick looks throught the peep hole, only to see AJ closely staring right back at him.

AJ: "I see you a**h***, Let me in!"

AJ falls through the doorway and lands on the floor in a heap, and begins giggling histerically.

Nick: "This isn't your room."

AJ: (still laughing at nothing) "Tis now! Out boy! (Points to the door and tries to get up, only to trip over his own pants, and falls to the floor laughing again)

Brian:(sleepily) "AJ what the heck is wrong with you? We have a plane to catch tomorrow morning."

Nick: "Yeah, are Howie and Kevin back yet?"

Coincidently, Howie and Kevin were just returning from a dissappointing nightout, and were just walking by on the way to their room. Decked out in black suits and looking as suave and cool as ever, the two older BSB members stop to see what's going on, just as AJ was pulling out a small plastic bag from his pocket.

Nick:"Don't you know what time it is?"

Kevin:"Time for you to shut the f*** up, punk!"

Nick: "Sorry Sir."

Howie: "What is that?"

AJ: " Weed, Weed, Weed......"(he giggles and begins throwing the contents of his baggie up in the air)

Just then, Denise McLean, pops her head in the door, intending to tell the Boys to settle down and get some sleep. By now AJ is rolling in his pot, and purring like a cat.

Denise: "AJ, just what do you think that you are doing?"

Kevin:(thinking quickly) "Um, he got away from us again. We'll clean this up and take care of him, Ms. McLean."

Denise: "OK, but you boys make sure you flush that stuff this time."

Howie: " Oh, we will. We promise."(wink)

Denise: "AJ, I'll deal with you in the morning. Good night, boys."

Howie and Kevin: "Good night.

As soon as she is gone, they get to work gathering up the mess AJ has made. Meanwhile, AJ himself,had made his way over to Nick's Nintendo, and began playing nothing on a blankscreen. Nick, woried that his only friend may be in jeopardy, runs ove and begins putting it away.

Howie: "That's all of it"

Kevin: "Party time?"

Brian: "Kevin I'm telling your mom."

Kevin: (raises his fists in a threatening manner) "You say one word and I'll break every bone in your petite, little body."

Brian: "Yipes" (pulls covers over his head and cowers in fear)

Kevin and Howie proceed to the roof to have a little fun, but stop to pick up a friend on the way up. Later, on the roof.....

Howie: (takes a hit and passes it on to Kevin) "Man why does everyone think I'm ugly? Do I really look like a troll?"

Kevin: 'That's nothing. At least you get to sing every once in a while. " (Takes a hit and passes it on) "What do you think little man?"

Aaron Carter: (blowing out smoke) "Dude, Nick is such a f***i* dork."

All start laughing. Meanwhile, back in Nick's room, AJ has gottenthe munchies. While Nick is sobbing and picking up the pieces of a now broken Nintendo, AJ crawls over to Nick's bag. He opens it to find cheesecurls, brownies, Dr. Pepper, Funyus, chips, Easy Cheese, crackers, and every kind of Little Debbie ever made. He can't make up his mind, so he decides to take te whole bag. He also decides to leave Nick an I.O.U. for it, and he reaches further into the bag and pulls out some paper and a marker. He begins scribbling a note for Nick like this one:

I.O.U. chezcirls, brownyz, DP, Fugnuyngs, Potaatoo Chip....

Nick: "What are you doing!!"

AJ:"Oh I was going to write you a note, but since you are here I'll tell you, I.O....."


AJ: "Oh sorry. He he..."

Nick: " Gimme that! GET OUT!"

AJ: (begins to cry) "But but, where am I gonna go... Whaaa."

Just then Howie and Kevin ae coming back downstairs, and stop in the check on the situation. At the same time Lou Pearlman comes in .

Lou: "You boys need to quiet down and go to sleep!"

Brian: (poking his head out form under the covers)" I tried to tell them, but they wouldn't list...."( dirty look sends him fleeing for the safety of his blankie, again)

Nick:"AJ took my comic book."

Kevin: (in a high pitched mocking voice)"AJ took my comic book."

Lou: " I don't care who did what, but you have a plane to catch early tomorrow, and you're waking up half the hotel, now go to sleep, understand. Remember, I own you."

All: "Yes Sir."

With that said. Lou makes his grand exit fading into the shadows like a demon. Nick snatches his bag of goodies from AJ, and grabs his comic book and Nintendo and hurries to the safety of his bed.

Howie: "C'mon Red Eyes."

Kevin and Howie pick up pick up AJ. AJ is unconscience by now, Kevin and Howie grab his arms and drag him towards the door.

AJ: (raising his head slowly) "The trains got me. Oh no! Hey Hey Howie, do't leave me under your bride, Okay. hee Hee Hee. Choo Choo.... OW!"

Kevin: "Oh I'm sorry we missed the door by that much. Hope you don't have a concusion."

AJ, Kevin, and Howie return to their room where they all have very pleasant dreams. Meanwhile, back in Brian and Nick's room, Brian gets up and truns out the light. Several seconds later , a quivering voice cuts throught the darkness.

Nick: "Brian?"

Brian: "What Nickay."

Nick: "I'm scared of Kevin. Can I sleep in your bed tonight?"

Brian: "C'mere ya big lug."

Then Brina and Nick drift off in to some pleasant dreams of their own.

The End