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Stash's Backstreet Lover's Page


*Kevin was born in Kentucky.

*He was born on October 3,1972.

*He once dressed up as a Disney character for a parade at Disney World.

*Kevin believes that heaven is a beautiful, peaceful, place with green grass a beautiful trees.

*Michelle Pheiffer and Demi Moore are Kev's top babes.

*Kevin's nickname is train because he is always running about.

*Kevin loved school.

*A fan once tore a ring off Kevin's finger. He got it back with a bribe of a backstage pass.

*Nick says that Kevin is the most serious memeber of the band.

*Kevin met Arnold Schwarzenegger and thought he was cool.

*For a hot date Kevin would take his girl for a Mexican meal- then cool down with a walk on the beach.

*Kev grew up on a farm.

*If he wasn't a star Kevin would like to be a fighter pilot.

*Kevin once played a rock star in a school play.

*Kevin wrote his first song when he was 13.

*Kevin is a big fan of Elton John and Prince.

*Kevin's first crush was on his fourth grade teacher.

*He was the heart throb of his school and would make girls faint.

*Kevin reckons being a popstar is hard work.

*He was the only boy in the school to be in the choir and the football team.

*Kevin's first relationship lasted 3 years.

*Kev is a expert horserider.

*Kev was about to enlist in the US Air Force when he was invited to be in the BSB.

*One of Kev's nicknames is Boo-Boo.

*Kevin can't resist any food that contains peanut butter.

*Kevin says that he likes to read self help books.