010301 well just sitting here and freezing my balls off
yeah its cold in here, too cold to leave my coat off, too warm to leave it on
so im thinking im going to give bri a call today
see what shes doing and such
then maybe make a trip to dutton
i dont think that its too far to there
but then again ive only lived in this state my whole damn life and i dont even know distances to mildly close towns

well im off to go sleep for an hour
will write more when i get back

fuck people
fucking people

well im still attempting to save up money for the empeg player mentioned on my forum
the post seemed to get ignored rather well
it will be a great day when i get it
and i will want to share it with all the people that will share my excitement
but being the type of person i am i will also show it to the select few people, remaining nameless until they piss me off further, who will make me feel stupid and out of place for trying to include them in my life
i will go away from my purchase feeling rather shitty sort of like i leave a normal conversation with said people

fuck people
fucking people

i thinkthat i am past the point of wanting teresa back now
what a relief i suppose
bitterness still exists in me though
and hurt
but no longer longing
now ill devote my energies elsewhere
such as mastu... flying kites
i have always enjoyed flying kites
... yeah

so i almost hit this girl the other day
in her car
with my car
i was going what would prolly be considered too fast for the conditions
too fast meaning around 65 - 70 miles an hour
conditions meaning local business district
but i was fine until this stupid girl had the smart idea to come across three lanes of traffic, completely ignoring the middle lane (<- & -> turns only) that is there to stop and wait in until the road is clear
at least my brakes work

this car of mine will be the death of me
hopefully not soon

well i think that im out this once again
