home010301 well.. that girl mentioned earlier. shes fifteen. im nineteen
nothing wrong there, except that her dad doesnt like the idea. he called my dad and told him if i were to call again that he would call the cops on me. so im not to call her or see her. fun stuff. i was angry.
so i got in my car and drove for quite awhile. when i got back to my house teresa was there. we talked for a few hours and ended up falling asleep in my bed. shes my friend.im planning on getting an xbox. i will enjoy it greatly. this i know. somethings in life you just have a feeling about. sometimes that feeling is wrong, as has been the case before in my life, but this is not one such case.
halo has got to be one of the greatest first person shooter games ever created. i mean that. unreal was awesome, and i thoroughly enjoyed it. i still talk of the time in unreal where the hallway closed off and the lights went out one by one. that scared the shit out of me.
i have also put some hours into dead or alive 3. to put it simply that game is hella pretty. ive never been big into the doa series but this game is coo. im not all that great at it but oh well. at least i can drool over the levels.
speaking of fighting games, one game ive recently gotten into is guilty gear x. a 2d sprite based fighting game on the dreamcast that i find fun. i dont think im too good at it either. one fighting game i am good at though is soul calibur. that game kicks so much ass.i currently weigh 165.5 pounds. im not sure if thats good for my height or not. i dont like it. i have somewhat of a stomach. but i dont exercise and your lucky if you can get me to stop eating. so i guess im stuck with it. i know what i need.. more sex. ive heard thats a good work out. :P
i work my first real day at software etc in seven point five hours. i should go to sleep, considering its 430 in the morning. but ive only been awake for 14 hours. i really need a better life schedule. then again i need a life first.
should i do another round of questions? i do so enjoy listening to the questions (read 'reading the questions') that people send me and i also enjoy learning about myself in that manner. another thing i was thinking about doing was to teach you people that come to my site a thing or two. such as.. i would ask for requests for something that you are interested in and i would learn as much as i can about it and attempt to teach you, the general populace (maybe someday thats what my reader base will be) everything i can about said subject. i think it would be fun. why dont you tell me what you think on my forum?