112000 update 2

well im at work right now
eating my peanut butter on cheese crackers
not very good
just ate some sprees
i like sprees more than peanut butter on cheese crackers

not as big of a response from people as i was expecting

did get two responses from people that surprised me
they said that if they had been going out with me and i said something like that then they would be with me forever
now i just wish that i knew what it was that i said that made two females react in such a way

one of lifes mysteries i suppose is why we are born the way we are
sure i have a fair understanding and grasp of genetics and heredity and dominant and recessive traits and such
that still doesnt explain why i feel the ways that i do
where do personalities come from
habits, such as alcoholism have been proven to be passed down through generations, not necessarily gentically maybe but conditioning perhaps
personalities are weird though
i have this shirt that i rather enjoy
i had a shirt that i rather enjoyed anyway
i left it in melanies car one day, accidentally
when i remembered where it was i called melanie
she said that candice took the shirt from her car
so i did some more investigating and found out that candice gave it to brad
when i try to ask candice about it she gets all pissy and is just a total bitch to me about it
im not sure if she wants to accept no reponsibility for what she has done or if she is offended that i would have the audacity to ask what she has done with my shirt or what
brad i am unable to get ahold of unfortunately
i really dislike people sometimes

my friend john and i once went on a crime spree
it was fun

i dont really enjoy tv
really i dont

im tired
ill be done for now
as always, any suggestions or flames, just email me
