runn9ing on about three hours of sleep today (the 9 is silent)
sort of reminds me of my school days
when i would stay up until six in the morning, sleep for half an hour, then go to school
i was allowed to sleep in school though
they rather frown upon you sleeping when your getting paid seven dollars an hour
i wish i had a job as a matress tester
i would so rule at a job like that
so i went to look at a house yesterday
a little two bedroom next to the alley sort of thing
it looks rather nice
would be cool if we got that
nikki emailed me yesterday
thank you nikki
i know that theres more of you out there
soldiers of today have about a forty percent efficiency ratio on the front line
had a good discussion about it with clayton
i think heather cut her hair
but im not exactly positive
so i asked her
how many freudians does it take to change a light bulb?
two, one to change the light bulb and one to hold the penis errrr ladder
you have to be at least a little familiar with freudian concepts to understand that one
i wont get into it
had some good fun at walmart and various parking lots
i love being an ass to society
but not to individuals
a good trait isnt it
i recently received an intriguing email
i am debating whether or not to share it on here
i am starting to feel the effects of three hours of sleep
been at work for one and one half hours
already starting to have my eyes bugger out
dr suess was a wwii propanganda artist
thats actually where a lot of his works came from
such as star bellied sneeches
oh geez, my contact just now is trying to jump out of my eye
it hurts
im typing this with my eyes closed
there it goes
fixed it
now my eye is watering
hmmmm trying not to sleep
it would be so nice just to lay my head down and sleep
damn contact
i think that ill be done for today