its been awhile since my last update, and id like to thank everyone who visits my site
they are all the same people though
just coming back to see if i have added anything to enlighten their day today
well heres your enlightenment
and if you are one of those people who just keeps coming here over and over and... (miss breau... hehe, btw, its all right to do that) then, hey, tell some friends about it too
tell some not-so friends about it
share the enlightenment
john, thank you so much for the books, i finished backwards on monday, very well written but i think that i liked the first two books in the series more than the last two
british authors rule
tiffany, thank you for caring
al, thanks for saying hi
teresa, thanks for... ... .. .... hmmm
i dont think i should make this update be a letter to everyone i want to say something to
but one more thing
SAL, no reply?
"the dew has fallen with a particularly sickening thud this morning"
a great author
i swear that guy looks like taylor, and it makes me mad everytime that i see him
just want to get up and pop him in a painful-to-get-popped-in spot
incapacitate him and just go to work
then i realize that its not taylor, it just looks like him
would be so much fun though
i think ill attempt to give up food again
starting now
learned something new at work today
girls will act like they dont want to have sex even when they really do, very much so even
well i dint learn it from personal experience
yeah yeah i can hear you now "sure you dint caleb you big pimp, gettin with all the women and such"
it was in a magazine
honest it was
mmmm sleep
i do thoroughly enjoy sleep
she is pretty
well im working on getting a picture of myself
i have many actually, no digital ones though
i think that i would make a good drunk
if i drank that is
rachel, when are you coming down?
my bed is warm.. i consider it so
so what do people think of my site
a good question i think, but one which i am unable to answer
maybe said people should write and tell me
im a nice guy
and i bite only in jest and foreplay