Here are the questions and their answers in the order that they were received.
1. If you suddenly took all the faith in god from everyone, would god be
real on a human basis?
No, god, or God if you prefer, is not g(G)od because of faith. I wont pretend to understand why i(I)t is what i(I)t is for I do not know. If I were to suddenly take all the faith in g(G)od from everyone I think that g(G)od would cease to exist on a human-thought level. g(G)od would still be ... where ever i(I)t is, just nobody would recognize it. To have faith is to believe, without faith belief is not possible.
2. If There was no beauty or happiness in us, would there be love?
Yes. Love is not (properly is not, but I will agree that it can appear to exist because of physical attraction but I just view that as exaggerated lust) a thing just given away. Love is earned in much the same way as respect. I actually think love and respect go hand in hand.
3. Um Why did Limp Bizkit sell out?
Good question.
4. If you were to die in 1 minute and had one phone call who would you call?
My dad. My siblings and I really treat him rather shitty. I dont think that he knows that I really love him.
5. Do you like it that it's so cold where you live and why(not)?
No I do not. It hurts my ears and the tires on my car are bald. No traction on ice.
6. Who's Amy and what are your feelings for her?
Amy is a dear friend to me. I once had... romantic I guess... feelings for her but I have not seen her in quite awhile. She had potential to be my closest friend, but I didn't open up to her very much.
7. Quote: 'girls are fakes, thats all,faked emotions, faked styles, faked
What makes you think that woman have fake emotions? Agreed, they do know
how to make tears come easy!
A girl by the name of Nikki showed me that, along with Angela, Teresa, Krystle, Jamie and Daisy. Basically what I think that I meant by that was that they say one thing and so obviously show another. But then again dont we all.
8. Why don't you change jobs? Guessing that you don't have to work very hard
and that you can sleep ther and get away ith it. :)
I'm comfortable at this job. To a point. Its easy work and semi-good pay. I'll stay until I find something better I suppose.
9. Have you learned to cook yet?
I suppose that would require a definition of cook. I can stumble my way through a cookbook, but Top-Ramen comes much easier and XXX (insert favorite fast-food restaurant here) is always a favorite.
10. Did you ever get that sweater back?
I believe you mean shirt. And yes I did, thank you.
11. Why do you feel down so much, seems like you have lot's of friends (male
and female)? Don't you like your life?
I would not say that I have lot's of friends. A few maybe. A few real friends that is. A plethora of acquaintances as well. I like my life. I could ask for more. But would more really make me happier? Down is sometimes a high. I don't know if you can understand what I mean by that but if you do understand, well, mad props to you I guess.
12. Why her?
Her being ...?
13. Why that girl that you love?
Because that is the direction my heart went. I'm not necessarily an expert on this whole love thing, in fact except for being on the receiving end of it its all rather new to me, but I am fairly positive that you can't map a course for your heart to follow.
14. What did she ever do?
I will take that as literally as possible as to not expose her or I more than ... necessary. She did alot of stuff, some of which is outlined on my 11-18-00 update on my webpage.
15. What is love to you?
See question 2 for a partial answer and perhaps the most comprehensive answer that I can give.
16. Why did you not except my love?
I accepted your love. Why did I not return it? I didn't feel it (in me) to give. I did accept your love though. Thank you. I'm sorry.
17. What city/town do you live in?
Great Falls
18. Who is Amy?
Amy is a very special girl. A good friend and a good listener. She is also deaf and has an awesome personality for having gone through her life hearing almost nothing.
19. Do you believe in a higher power? Please elaborate.
A higher power... I would assume your speaking of a deity that may or may not be called g(G)od. Yes I do. I believe in an all-seeing all-knowing all-comprehending all-powerful all-loving all-caring and very just God.
20. What is your preferred operating system?
21. How old are you?
22. The rise of intelligent life on our planet seems to contradict the 2nd law of thermodynamics. Can you reconcile the seeming increasing order and complexity of life with entropy in the Universe?
Simply put the 2nd law of thermodynamics is the 2nd in a series of laws of energy, the first being the conservation of energy. To the best of my knowledge the 2nd law of thermodynamics says that no physical process can be finished with more available energy than when it was started. The American Heritage Dictionary give the the definition of entropy as : "For a closed system, the quantitative measure of the amount of thermal energy not available to do work." Sort of the opposite of available energy. Entropy in a closed system can never decrease. Stating the same thing as the first way I stated it just from a different viewpoint. Take a bucket of water. The water is cold. We introduce a hot stone into the bucket. The heat will transfer from the stone into the water until both are the same temperature. This is just a transfer of energy not an increase in or decrease in available energy. The entropy does increase. Now take a bucket of black water at air temperature. Conceivably a closed system? If we were to leave this bucket in the sun the water would attract heat in a true black fashion. Has entropy decreased? Energy that was previously unavailable has become available, right? Entropy has increased, as this was not a closed system. With the introduction of the sunlight the system went from a conceivably closed system, being a bucket of black water, to an open system, a bucket of black water exposed to outside influences. Entropy is also defined as "a measure of disorder or randomness in a closed system." Things never organize themselves. A broken light stays broken without outside influence. Thats just common sense. Evolution, or the advancement of life, cannot be explained without disregarding the 2nd law of thermodynamics. The evolution of life is the increase of biological organization, if it is anything. Clearly, if life originates and evolves by chance, without organizing input from outside, then something has organized itself. Logical entropy in a closed system has decreased. This is the violation that people are getting at, when they mistakenly say that life violates the second law of thermodynamics. This violation, the decrease of logical entropy in a closed system, must happen continually in the Darwinian account of evolution. I hope that answers your question.
Sources = The American Heritage Dictionary, Mrs. Mader (my high school physics teacher),,,
23. Why does the sun shine?
To sustain my life. Isn't that why everything is done. To affect me in someway. (Not a true representation of my beliefs or personality, just a fitting answer)
24. Should I quit my job?
In a word, yes. (But don't do so based on my word alone. I know nothing of your current job or how it is going for you. It's your choice)
25. I once received contradicting answers from a "Magic 8-Ball" regaurding the same question. How can this be?
It's because you spelled regarding wrong when you sent this question in to me.
26. Do you think that you are encouraging people to ask at least one stupid question that you will not answer therefore gauranteeing answers to all other questions?
27. what is the experiment referred to in your slashdot sig?
This is the experiment referred to in my slashdot sig.
28. is this the experiment referred to in your slashdot sig?
29. have you gotten a lot of emails?
About the experiment or in general? I would have to say no to both accounts.
30. how is the apartment?
It never occurred. Other than that it's fine. Developed somewhat of a cough, but that's a minor setback.
31. have you ever used one of those bent ergonomic keyboards?
Yes, I thoroughly enjoy them as well.
32. why am i so fucking busy or sleepy all the time?
Because you don't know me. If you knew me your life would be full of excitement and joy. You would be just as busy but you won't notice it. That's the kind of guy I am, I'm the go to of the underground.
33. what is the longest piece of non-technical prose you have ever read on the net?
Non-technical being defined as not going into details about any subject or as a personal paper or rant? Not-going-into-details-about-any-subject : hmmm, The Crocodile, by Fyodor Dostoevsky. Personal-paper : Name forgotten, by Amy Conway. Ranting : the SOAD book, by David Geiger and Caleb Anderson
34. what languages do you program and why?
At one time in my life I was very fluent in Qbasic, right now I dabble in C++ and HTML (I very much dislike HTML, but that's a moot point)
35. Why did you dye your hair? (it looks cool, but i'm just wondering why you did it)
I did not dye my hair. Well, I did but that was long before I got it cut. I haven't dyed it since I got it cut.
36. Has anyone ever told you that you look like eminem? (not that I think that you do especially now that you've dyed your hair, but I was just wondering)
No, not Eminem, as such. No.
37. What do you want to do with your life? (like are you going to college and if so what are you going to major in?)
I would like to eventually get a job I enjoy in a computer career. (To all people in hiring situations out there : I learn quickly and thoroughly enjoy working with and on computers. ... I guess you get that alot though. Oh well, you have my email address) I just want what every one else wants though. Well I would if everyone else wanted what I want. I guess. Yeah I see myself going to college sometime. Soon maybe.
38. What is your favorite animal? (if you even like animals)
Beef. Seriously, I would have to say the bald eagle. I really am not a fan of animals. I'm not into the whole killing an animal gets you 20 to life but killing your son gets you therapy. I don't agree with this whole world's view of animal life and its necessity. But I'm just one person in a world full of such. What do I know.
39. I know that you only get a few hours of sleep every night, so what do you do all night when you should be sleeping?
I read mostly. Play with my Dreamcast, eat, browse the internet with my Dreamcast. Lots of inane nothings I suppose.
40. I know that you like music like RATM, and Insane Clown Posse, but do you like any other kinds of music? (like pop, R&B, ect.)
I like different sorts of music. I'm not sure what genre they fall into but I'm a wide person... If you understand what I mean.
41. Have you ever been truly in love, and if so, with who?
I don't fell that I can answer that question, as I do not believe that I have an accurate understanding of what true love is.
42. If you could live with one person, living or dead, for a year anywhere in the world, present or past, who would it be and where would you stay?
I read this question and wondered to myself, do I go for shock factor with my answer or do I answer truthfully. I have decided to answer truthfully, although the truth may not be un-shocking. I would choose to kick it with Herr Hitler. I have always respected his mind, have always had a slight sadistic, perhaps even morbid side and would like to have met him. Have a few conversations and pick his brain. I would probably want to spend the last year of his life with him, ending my stay when he supposedly pulled the trigger that splattered his brains. That is who I would choose. Among many choices. But I think that is it.
43. If you had $10,000 you had to spend on someone else, what would you spend it on?
If I were to have a girlfriend at that time, it would probably go into her. To no avail most likely. It wouldn't be recognized as a gift but as a way of getting down proverbial pants or even as a light way of breaking up and it, like most well thought out plans, would blow up in my face, causing me to be ten thousand dollars less rich and girlfriendless. *sigh*
44. What are the 3 things you regret most in your life?
Ruining a great friendship with a wonderful friend, not doing at least the small amount of work it would have taken me to do to get A's through school, deciding to wear the pink authentic replicated zebra print top with classy orange latex pants instead of the bulbous bufont with a green sundress with teddy bear print this morning.
45. If you were to walk into Wal-Mart with tape around your mouth, stroll up to a checkout aisle that was fairly busy, stare at the floor for 2 minutes not saying anything, then got a really panicked look on your face and screamed quite loudly, then looked around and took off the tape and asked if anyone saw that, what would happen?
Unfortunately I am unable to answer this one as I expect it to be a fun experience. I plan on doing this within the week and will hopefully have pictures for this event as well.
46. What is the derivative of 6x to the second power, and what is the integral of 12x?
The derivative and the integral mentioned in both parts are related. 12x is the derivative of 6x to the power of two (squared). The integral of 12x is 6x^2 + C (with C having any value as long as it is constant with respect to x).
47. Why do Cats lick photographs?
It has long been known that cats used their noses to read books. Differentiating between different scents is what cats noses are rather good at. Their tongues are often overlooked. A photograph can only be experienced in the way it was meant to be by licking it. "Tasting" it as some people will put it. This not entirely true. Cats are able to taste with their tongues, but have you ever been licked by a cat? Like a mild form of sandpaper. Actually those bump are electrodes. Thats right, a cat is nothing more than a feborg. Like a cyborg only feline. he uses those electrodes to "experience" the photograph. It almost puts the cat in that moment instead of just being an observer. Technology is wonderful.
48. What does "kemuri" mean in japanese?
49. What the number is after infinity (thats from my little cousin wyatt)??
Infinity plus one. Which is really just a way of saying alot (synonmous with vastly mind bogglingly huge).
50. let's say you were in a mine shaft and it caved in and you and another person were trapped inside. You are in a small sealed cave. The rescuers wont be there for at least 2 hours and you only have an hour of air left, calculated. You have a bottle of sleeping pills, a gun, and 2 bullets, what do you do?
I consider suicide a form of stupidity. An easy way out. Laziness. I would take some sleeping pills, probably a little bit more than reccomended and sleep. This would slow down my breathing and relax me which would also slow down my breathing. And go to sleep hoping for the best.
51. Who is the ONE person you would miss the most if they died?
Probably my mother.
52. If you were going to give a girlfreind a gag gift and you chose wierd underwear... would you (a) Give her ones that are really small so she could feel fat and bitch at you (B) Giver her ones that are really big so she thinks that you think shes fat??
53. We are very little creatures; all of us have different features. One of us in glass is set; one of us you'll find in jet. Another you may see in tin, and a fourth is boxed within. If the fith you should pursue, it can never fly from you. What are we?
Not knowing the answer, I have decided to guess. Insects of various sorts.
54. What is the youngest daugter's name in "The Sound of Music"?
55. okay, lets just assume u are christian, for sake of the question, okay, if you were to die right now, what do u think would be the one thing, the worst thing you've ever done, that would keep you out of heaven?
I am Christian. More so a born-again Christian. Therefore there is only one thing that I can do to bar me from going to Heaven. I do not, nor do I want to, know what that is.