A few small updates took place here at The Database, including the addition of the first new section since April. Updated were the Index page including Section Spotlight and Upcoming Horror Movies, the News Archives section, and the About Me Page. The New Section is called Friends - and it's a page of shoutouts, inside jokes is more like it, to a few of my friends to show that I love them all. There are also homepage links to a couple of friends so make sure you visit their pages as well. How perfect that the section premieres on the day the National Enquirer blabbed to the nation about one of Regis Philbin's "friends". Who Wants to be a 66-year old pimp?

Well if you're on the east coast of the United States, or in the Bahamas or Caribbean, keep your eyes on the Atlantic as the first tropical storm of the season, Alberto, formed today. It's near the Cape Verde islands near Africa across the Atlantic so if TS Alberto did survive the trek across the Atlantic it wouldn't be here for a week or more. It could be a hurricane within 2 days.

Make sure you catch Coyote Ugly and Hollow Man which both opened nationally today! Also - don't miss the sneak preview for Keeanu Reeves' The Replacements this weekend.