Many years have gone by since God's glory came down
In the Judean village called Bethlehem town
In a field where some shepherds were watching their sheep
Some were awake, and others asleep
The glory of God shone forth like a light
This wondrous event was a glorious sight
When suddenly angels appeared in the sky
Singing praises and worshiping God up on high
And proclaiming to man an astounding event
That the Saviour of man to the earth had been sent
To be born in the town, in a Bethlehem stall
God's gift to man was the Saviour of all
So the shepherds arose, and into town they all went
To visit the baby the Lord God had sent
And they found Him asleep in a manger of hay
So they worshiped Him there in the stall where He lay
Meanwhile in the east, in a land far away
There appeared in the heavens a new star that day
Wise men understood that such a star brings
A message to earth of the birth of a king
So they mounted their camels and set out to see
Where would the star lead them, and who would the king be
So they travelled for miles, they went on until
Over Bethlehem town, the star finally stood still
So they worshiped the child, this gift from above
The One who would bring us God's mercy and love
Then the wise men departed, and went on their way
Heading back east, on that first Christmas day
Baby Jesus grew up, it was He who became
The One who would carry our sin and our shame
He cleanses our hearts from all of our sin
Opening wide heaven's door and inviting us in
©1996 Dave Neufeld (Praise Unlimited)