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Die hard TRI fan? Have some info you'd like to share with the rest of us? Maybe even a few never-before-seen pics of the band? Maybe you had a TRI sighting? Well, here's your page to tell everyone what you know and saw! Send all info you'd like to have posted (stories, photos, etc.) to (note...this is a different e-mail address than the mailing list!) If we feature your material, you'll receive some pretty cool stuff!

Heather and her friends were able to spot TRI in New York City. Here's the picture they were able to get with them (unfortunately Heather wishes to remain anonymous)!

Here's a story sent in by Tricia: " Hi...I go to school with the guys. I got a story for u...last year I was walking to English class and right behind me I heard somebody singing. I turned to see George, Joel and Carmine singing "Tearin up my heart", by nsync. They sounded REALLY good! Also, last year my friend wanted a picture of them so me and Missy went up to them and asked if we could take their picture and they said "sure." My friend Missy was going to take the picture when Carmine said "wait", and asked me if I wanted to be in the picture. So I got in it with them, but when we got the pictures back, the one of me and them did not come out so I was a little upset but thats ok I still get to see Joel and Carmine everyday at school!"

Kim and Kim spotted TRI at an N'Sync concert at Jones Beach over the summer (above). It seemed that these fine guys got more attention then the bands that played! Here's one of the many pics that were taken that night! Thanks for sharing Kims!

Steph and her friends Mandy and Allyson sent this picture in. They spotted TRI at Jones Beach at the Nsync Concert, July 1999, and were able to get a pic with them! Thanks for sending it in!

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