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This's Oanh.(She looks even much cuter in person :) We've known each other since sixth grade, and have been best friends right from the start. She's not only my best friend, but THE best of the best. I wouldn't say "we've been through thicks and thins" 'cuz that'd be exaggerating, which is something that I'd NEVER do!!! (by the way, did I tell you I  came across this creature that's as tinyy as an aunt, has 10 legs and 4 heads, and it talked to me in my own native language, which is the ZooLoonese language???) hehe... Anyways, we've had our lefts and rights together. uh.. I meant.. our ups and downs. Can you believe that during that 7 years of being friends, we've only had one fight?? The fight was pretty big though 'cuz we went on like for 4-5 months without talkin to each other, and all because I say we split this dollar we found on the street 50/50, and she said "let's flip a coin". hehe..j/k again. The fight was over something so stupid that we didn't even remember.  Anyhow, we made up in the end and haven't had any more fight since then. :) Having her as my best friend is one of the things that I'm most grateful for. I know  I know.. I'm being real... um.. "ghetto"?? <--a word that Tina, Oanh's sis, uses on everyone.  but I'm saying all this to show my gratitude toward our friendship. I mean.. I see how other ppl claim this person to be his/her best buddy, and the next month or so they'd be asking "who???" I'm thankful that it's not like that with us. hm.. anyways, below's a "poem" that I wrote in dedication to Oanh, and everything in there is based on her true wonderful characters and personality. Sooo.. hm.. GUYS!!! this is your chance to meet the girl of your dream here!!! It's an once in a lifetime opportunity ya know???? so what you waitin for??? Pick up that phone and dial 10-10-321 Collect now!!!! *uh.. oops, wrong commercial* hehe.. there's the email add. if you want to write to her.

Here's some more info on her.
Name  Oanh Nguyen
Nat. VIETNAMESE TO DA FULLEST!!! rite Oanh? hihi.. to be exact, she's Ba('c Nam Tu* 
Birthday 8/18/81 <-- keep this date in mind and remind me when her bd's comin up ok? 'cuz i'm real forgetful. and if you gonna remind me of her bd, might as well be generous and buy her a present too ya know?
Height 5'2 (but the heels that she wears, you won't be as tall as her even if u're 6'10!!) lol..j/k. well, 5'2 is the average height for Asian girls, so it aint bad at all. I mean.. you don't wanna date someone that you have to bring a stool everywhere you go in case you wanna give her a lil kiss rite??? *unless you have a portable ladder of course..* :)
Weight 105
Hobbies Watching chinese movies, talkin on the phone, the usual.. but what Oanh loves the most is.. KARAOKE!!! and she does have a really great voice too. you should definitely hear her sing. *but since I'm not the kinda person who know how to "thu*o*?ng thu*'c a^m nha.c" like Oanh said, I'll bring 2 bags of cotton just in case* :)
Status Temporarily Avaible (so this's the chance in a life time guys if you wanna hook up with her :)
Fav. Colors Blue
Fav. Movie Star hm.. Oanh, I know u like Xe^'p La^.p from that one police movie, but what's his name in English?
Fav. Singer Linda T.D., Jacky Cheung, and.. um..
Fav. Songs Vi` Sao by Thien Kim, Ti`nh No^`ng by To Chan Phong, and.. hm.. brb.. on this one. *as u can see, I know my best friend very well..*
and most important of 
all.... BEST FRIEND IS?????
*Oanh, you better say it's me or else... Coi Chu*`ng D+o' k???* hihi...

Aww.. isn't she so cute when she PRETENDS to be shy??? hehe..j/k. Well, Oanh's shy sometimes,
but can be really open to ppl too. *All depends on if that guy's cute or not* hehe..j/k.