Individuals who have allegedly been abducted by extra terrestrials report that there are on-going experiments to cross breed aliens and humans. Large numbers of abductees have reported seeing beings that appeared to be part Grey and part Human-these beings have become known as the Hybrids. The Greys allegedly remove ova and sperm from the abductees and combine Grey DNA with human DNA to create the Hybrids. The reason for the cross breeding remains a mystery and researchers can only speculate on the purpose of the experiments.
A large number of abductees report having their ova or sperm removed on a regular basis by the Greys. Individuals are told that these samples will be used to create an offspring that is half-Human, half-Grey. Some abductees report being shown nurseries inside the alien craft that contains these Hybrid infants. Even more alarming is the fact that abductees are often shown a particular Hybrid child and told that the child is their offspring.
Theories abound on the purpose of the cross-breeding experiments: to create a 'superior race'-combing the best aspects of human and Grey traits, to save the Greys from extermination due to excessive use of cloning, or to save us by transplanting the human species to far-away planets because our society is on a path toward self-destruction.
The true purpose of extra terrestrial cross breeding experiments remains shrouded in mystery and questions abound about the believability of these stories. One thing remains certain; if these stories are proved to be real experiences they have the ability to change human existence.