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burnAfter many houers of fighting and killing, SPIKE layes his head down by the fireplace and starts to tell us Burn

the story of his life...

I'll tell you all this just once, so listen caerfully and remember the deeds that forged a soul like mine.

I was born on the island of Regna 999 years ago...

The island of Regna.

... after about 2 centuries of hard study and understanding of my world, I understood that Jadame

was far to calm for me, and decided to meet our relatives in Enroth.

The call of adventure and prestiege had reached me too, so at the first full moon of my 200th year of my life, I left

the land of my birth and made the voyage over the great sea.

Across the ocean

After many days of travel, I finaly came upon the shore where an ancient people built cities of magic.

Obstacles where all over the land, and by defeating my enemies one by one, I gathered more wealth and got my skills better and better.

Another 50 years had passed, and still, I had no sign of my brothers and sisters.

But one day luck stroke, as one of the ancients died and had a great memorial built in what is today known as the Dragonsands. To guard his memeorial, my race was called, and finaly, I met the ancient dragons of erathia!

In the next 700 years that I spent there, I was teached the art of the dragons, my powers increasing day by day...

But the times of joy had to end one time... the ancients left our world in great mistery, and raiders begun to seek the treasures of Varn.

At the same time, news came from Jadame... terible danger had my folk to face... a madman decided to kill the dragons there, and so, the Dragon Slayers came in existance...

This had to stop them... I left for Regna, and after just 2 days of rest, I had to leave, after escapeing an ambush.

Spike is ambushed

So I made it to Ravenshore, there to find a wizard... one that understood our kind, and offerd an aliance between the 2 of us. I accepted, so, eversince, I am following the path of light, defending the poor and the weak, and bringing havock on my enemies as often as I can!
