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Greetings fellow mage, come, sit with me by the fireplace and warm yourself. My name is Rune Arcanus, and forgive me for not pouring any wine for us tonight as you shall need a clear and focused mind for the quest laiden before you. After this is done, there shall be much celebration and then you and I shall definitely share a cup of mead. And now, let us make haste and get you started on your quest. May the Light guide you in your journey.

You are a wizard in the land of Jadame. The following spells are at your disposal, as well as a staff: Incinerate, Invisibility, Town Portal, Mass Distortion, and Sunray. *Know these spells as they shall be the only ones you may be able to use*. Before you start your journey, you are to say goodbye to the girl you love. However, there is a problem. Her father is a veteran warrior with a very stubborn personality and completely dispises wizards. He objects to the notion that his beautiful daughter will fall in love with anyone else other than a warrior like him. You know for a fact that if he were to see you even near her, he would slay you on the spot. With this in mind, you still must say goodbye to her before you leave and arrive at their two story-home in Ravenshore. Your beloved is upstairs in her room while her father is downstairs polishing his sword. Since you don't want to be seen, you cast (1)___ and go upstairs to give your beloved a kiss goodbye. You then leave immediately and travel to the elemental plane of water to retrieve the water heart. As you make your way through, you encounter an elemental who attacks you. You therefor retaliate and cast (2)___ to slay the beast. Once this is done, you retrieve the elemental heart and leave the plane of water. Next on your agenda is to the far east to Shadowspire. Rumor has it that the foul vampires of this area have been attacking and feeding upon the trolls of the village Rust to the north due to their great endurance and health. You must travel to the necromancers guild and at least talk to the accursed Thant and tell him to withdraw the horrifying bloodlust of his minions. On your way there, you are stopped by an old enemy-Tolberti! After a couple of wacks from your staff, you greatly weaken him but t'is not enough to stop him. You therefore decide to cast a spell to subdue him and withdraw only a percentage of hitpoints and spare his miserable life. Therfor, you cast (3)___. The battle wasted much of your time and so you must make haste and hurry to shadowspire. Walking will take too long so you (4)___ there. The town of Shadowspire is a much dreaded one inhabited by necromancers. Even though it is daytime, the absolute Darkness within the area makes your spine tingle as you travel along the road. Many dark peasants eye you wearily for they can sense your strong aura of Light. Therefor, they do not dare cross you. However, you are spotted by a necromancer who wishes to please his master. He goes off into a frenzy and hurls a multitude of spells at you. You know that if you do not slay him, you yourself shall be slain. You cast your most powerful spell (5)___ and eliminate him. After slaying him, you make your way to Thants room within the necromancer's guild.......

And with that last spell my friend, thus ends your quest. Please C-mail Valcar with your answers, and if he accepts them, C-mail Zulu_Merlin our Guildmaster for membership. We hope you enjoyed your adventure!

Rune Arcanus Mage of Light