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We not tire. We will not falter. And we will not fail.
We will not tire. We will not falter. And we will not fail.

War Stories

When men get to talking with or writing to each other, they often tell stories of their past. This is sometimes called "swapping lies" or "telling war stories". This website contains some humorous memories of things that "really happened." However, any encroachment of the truth onto these pages is purely accidental.

The Stories like rolling a stone uphill

Merry Xmas Viet Nam!
Jr. High Decisions
Two Indian Mystics
Middle Class Tax Cut
President Carter's Cuban Follies or "I Like Cornbread" Part I
President Carter's Cuban Follies or "I Like Cornbread" Part II
Military Ambition (Desert Storm)
The Junior Partnership
Out of Pocket, Redux

Dedicated to my internet mentor, Brother Grady Honeycutt, MPS

Copyright©1998 J. R. Martin, all rights reserved

Contact The Author

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A Word about Our KISS Websites Graphics

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