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Tips for Dune II

This is a selection of gaming tips and strategies for the Demo level of Dune II that was on an Acorn User CD. The tips get progressively more useful, making the game easier, but maybe spoiling some of the fun too.
1) Ways the computer cheats
2) Miscellaneous tips
3) Advanced hints - general
4) Advanced hints - Harkonnen strategy
5) Advanced hints - Harkonnen base

Ways the Computer cheats

  1. His base is already fully built when you start the game.
  2. His vehicles can drive right over a sandworm without disturbing it (and if already disturbed the sandworm prefers your vehicles anyway)
  3. Infinite supply of Harvesters
  4. Can rebuild buildings on top of your vehicles
  5. Harvests as much spice as you, despite you processing 90% of the play area (you'll see!)

Miscellaneous tips

Advanced hints

Advanced hints - Secrets of the Harkonnen

Harkonnen always attack behind your base very early on, but this is the only time it will happen. Therefore have a launcher and tank round the back ready. As soon as it's happened move them round in front of the yard. Harkonnen always seem to head for the same bit of your base ie. the area level with your yard, so protect this the most. Buildings significantly lower down can be safely built and left unguarded e.g. spaceport. Build four or five rocket turrets in front of your base so the yard is covered and you can almost ignore Harkonnen attacks as they'll never get through (even siege tanks). Prime targets for attack are your mobile rocket launchers so make sure they're behind a front line of tanks. The most tempting target is the repair yard followed by the heavy vehicle factory and at some stage a Harkonnen rocket launcher will attack one or both so send the tanks for it straight away and be ready on the repair icon. Infantry can be a pain, but don't bother attacking them - just run over them! When you've destroyed loads of their vehicles they suddenly become chicken and hide in their base.

Secrets of the Harkonnen 2 - The Harkonnen Base

The base is packed to the nines with rocket turrets so only send in rocket launchers to destroy them (with a tank or two for protection). There are walls all the way round and lots of siege tanks tucked away. Use trikes or quads to zip around the space surrounding the base to get rid of as much black as possible and hopefully a) flushout some of the vehicles b) find the important buildings. Be ready on "move" as the rocket turrets have a long range and are deadly accurate. When you've constructed lots of tanks and rocket launchers mass them above and below the base a safe distance away and use your rocket launchers on the rocket turrets. Once you destroy all the Harkonnen weaponry you win. You can go one better by destroying all the buildings as well, but to do this you'll have to leave one tank alive until all the buildings are gone. Then destroy the tank
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