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!HTMLbar 1.22 (June 2020)

!HTMLbar Icon

Typing HTML tags by hand can be tedious and typos in HTML can lead to pages looking wrong, which is why !HTMLbar was created.

It creates a small buttonbar, showing most of the HTML tags, which can be clicked to enter those tags into a text editor. The image below shows it being used with !Zap, but any text editor (e.g. !StrongED or !Edit) can be used.

Example screenshot
The text shown was entered with one click of the red <html> button (colours are used to group associated tags). Clicking the right mouse button on any tag will insert the closing tag, in this case </html>. This minimises the amount of space used. If there is no closing tag e.g <BR>, clicking with the right mouse button enters an expanded tag e.g. <BR clear="all">


Changing the tag text The text inserted by each button is easily changed, at any time, by clicking the middle mouse button over the button - as shown in the screenshot.

The text can be anything and asterisks are used to mark where a line break should occur. Since the maximum length of the text is 255 characters, it is possible to program a button to insert a whole table with one click!

To permanently save any changes use the Save tags option shown on the buttonbar menu or iconbar menu.

The buttonbar is easily altered using a template editor such as !TemplED and a number of alternate templates are supplied for increased resolution, different fonts, and uncoloured buttons.

New in version 1.22: Update by Ewen Pring to allow compatibility with RISC OS5, plus other improvements.

!HTMLbar was written with the aid of Dr Wimp and comes with a How does it Work? file explaining how it was used.

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