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Lexx 2.20 End of the Universe

As the crew of the Lexx struggle to think of a way to stop Mantrid, Stan notices a deactivated drone arm. Thinking he may be able to figure out how it works he picks it up. It's not completely dead, however and punches him...

Watch out Stan

...but Kai quickly detaches its control unit with his brace. Correctly surmising that Stan won't be decipher the drone arm on his own, Xev commands 790 to help him.

Do as he says

Bored of waiting on the bridge Xev goes to see how Stan's getting on. As she's admiring a butterfly, another drone flies past behind her. Down in the cryoroom Stan's got more than one to worry about...

Stan under attack

...and soon so has she.

Xev under attack

Up on the bridge Kai's vigil is rewarded as the face of Mantrid appears on the viewscreen...

Mantrid shows himself a prelude to the invasion of drones, which swarm towards, and attack, Lyekka's pod...

The pod is attacked

...forcing her to evacuate it...for the last time.

Lyekka appears

Back in the cryo room, Stan's hidden in one of the chambers, but the drones are sawing their way in. In a fit of inspiration he attaches 790 to the severed arm, so he can control it. 790 promptly rushes off to save Xev, leaving Stan all alone.

Stan in trouble again

790 is just finishing off the last of the Mantrid drones attacking Xev, when Kai and Lyekka arrive...

Where's Stan?

...and they all head off to get Stan, who's thrilled to see Lyekka again, but doesn't know about her situation.

I'm alright

Back on the bridge, 790 boasts about his superiority over the Mantrid drones, so Xev suggests he builds more of himself.

Build drones now; fondle me later

The crew gather all the junk they can find for 790 to make an army of 790 drones which soon rid the Lexx of Mantrid drones. Unfortunately, just outside the Lexx a planet sized mass of Mantrid drones is assembling...

Final assault on the Lexx

...and the only hope is the army of 790 drones. They quickly prove their superiority, but Kai realises that destroying a few drones is not enough - they have to find Mantrid.

We fight for Xev

Lyekka believes she can find him. She can sense people's dreams and the universe was previously full of dreams, but now there is only one. A bad dream. Mantrid.

That way

Flanked by 790 drones, the Lexx heads in the direction Lyekka pointed and encounters an enormous lattice. Lexx reports a feeling of disorientation, which Kai puts down to the fact that much of the universe is moving, probably towards the Lexx - which may indicate that Mantrid is scared.

Mantrid's lair

Stan reasons that Lexx can destroy millions of Mantrid drones at once and gives the order to fire...

The Lexx unleashed

...but the Mantrid drones simply move out of the way of the blast, so the 790 drones mobilise to attack...

790 drones mass

Meanwhile Lyekka says her final goodbyes to Stan...

I will live on in your dreams

...before heading out to find Mantrid herself, disguised as a drone arm.

Lyekka waves goodbye

Things aren't looking good for the crew, as Mantrid comes up with a strategy for destroying the 790 drones by trapping them in imploding spheres of his drones.

790 drones go bang

Soon, Lyekka locates Mantrid's pod, slips inside (like a smoochy cat apparently) and begins smashing it up...

Lyekka's fury

She eventually finds Mantrid himself...


...but just as she is about to smash him on the ground, she is attacked by some drones...

Electric attack

...and destroyed.

Death of Lyekka

Her sacrifice has been worth it, as, with Mantrid disconnected, the drones are drifting. Stan blasts them with the Lexx, this time making contact and carving a deep channel into the lattice sphere - into which they head, searching for Mantrid.


They find thousands of decoy copies of his machine, but Stan is reluctant to order Lexx to fire, because Lyekka could be in one of them. Kai breaks the news to Stan that Lyekka went on the mission because, with her pod lacerated, she was already dead. Grimly, Stan gives the command to fire...

Destroy those machines. All of them

...and Lexx destroys line after line of machines. Unfortunately, the drones that killed Lyekka have succeeded in recovering Mantrid and more drones start pouring in from all over the universe.

Mass destruction

With things looking hopeless Kai suggests the only course of action is to flee to the center of the universe.

And...hopefully, Mantrid's drones will all follow

As they flee, Mantrid appears on the screen and begins to taunt them. Kai asks what Mantrid will do when he has destroyed all life in the universe and he replies that he will open a portal to the Dark Zone and start again there.

...and eat it for dessert

The questions were a ruse to distract Mantrid long enough to ensure that there was a sufficient mass of drones clustered together that gravity would prevent their escape, and also result in the collapse of the universe...

LOTS of drones

...which it does. A huge space-time vortex opens and begins to suck everything in.

End of the Light Universe

The Lexx is disintegrated, but abruptly reintegrates when a portal to the Dark Zone is created. The crew rejoice at their survival and Mantrid's demise and head off for bed. Xev commands 790 to keep watch now they're in the dangerous Dark Zone.

Back to the Dark Zone

Xev is getting undressed when she feels 790 stroking her back. She scolds him, but he sweet talks her and she relaxes. Unfortunately, it's not 790, it's Mantrid and he starts to throttle her.

That's not 790

Her cluster lizard side takes over and she throws the arm off, detaching the 790 head in the process, to reveal the small Mantrid cube - which begins to throttle her anew.

Mantrid's still alive

Prompted by an apparition of Lyekka Stan and Kai arrive and Kai uses his brace to detach the cube from the arm...

Kai braces himself

...and like the mini web creature in The Net, is destroyed beneath Xev's boot.

Mantrid gets the boot

Finally it's all over and they gaze out at a whole new universe for them to destroy.

Is the Dark Zone ready for us?

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