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Lexx 2.12 Norb

Stan's up on the bridge asking Lexx why he looks different sometimes, when a distress called is received from Norb, the boy they helped in White Trash.

Please help me...

Stan alerts Kai and Xev and they go out and rescue Norb in a moth...

...but he's not very grateful, refusing to let them touch his orb, or answer any of Stan's questions about what happened to his ship. 790 recommends they eject him back out into space.

Not very chatty Norb

Xev gets all maternal and suggests that Norb lie down on her bed for a while. As soon as she leaves however, Norb's sphere turns into a control unit. He detaches his left arm, attaches it to the control unit to make a Mantrid drone!

Elsewhere, Stan is adamant that Norb is not the same kid they met before. Kai concurs, but Xev is convinced it's just the trauma he's suffered.

He seems to be more like me, than he is like you

At that moment on the bridge, Norb is attacking 790 and removes a small pink cube from inside him - shutting him down.

Get your filthy inbred fingers off me!

The crew discover Norb up on the bridge and Xev is concerned to find 790 unresponsive, until he replies in a cold robotic voice that she is not an authorised person.

Is everything okay?

Kai challenges Norb, who describes himself as a message from Mantrid, about a contest. He then crushes the cube he took from 790 and transforms into several Mantrid drones.

Let the contest begin!

Kai swiftly disposes of the drones with his brace, but they are confused by what Norb meant. As far as they know Mantrid was destroyed. Stan gloats that it was a very short contest, as Kai destroyed all the drones. Kai points out that Norb also had a sphere.

Something calling itself Mantrid still seems to definitely exist

Stan remembers something was strange about Norb's arm and asks the Lexx if he can see any Mantrid drones. He reports that he cannot, now, as they are too deep inside him. Meanwhile, Kai gathers up what he calls 790's brain cube - a piece of human brain that allows his robot head to interface with a human body - and also the reason he could receive the love slave programming meant for Zev.

790's brain cube

As Kai attempts to mend 790 as best as possible, Stan tentatively goes looking for the Mantrid drone, with not much help from the Lexx. He doesn't find it, but it knows exactly where he is.

As he works on 790, Kai explains to Xev that the Mantrid drones are builder drones - given enough time and raw materials they can contruct almost anything - including more Mantrid drones!

Kai gives 790 some protoblood

Stan meanwhile, has returned to the bridge, but Lexx still can't see any one armed things that fly around. He does however, feel unwell. He reels off multiple areas of him that feel bad, but Stan is sceptical that one drone could do all that damage.

...6 of my stomachs, 117 passageways..

Just then a drone appears on the bridge, so Stan runs off the bridge - straight into a cluster of Mantrid drones!


Back in the cryochamber, Kai and Xev are watching the protoblood repair 790's brain, but when Kai hooks him up, he seems damaged. Kai instructs him to use the protein regenerator to restore his own brain tissue, but he just finds the idea of him having brain tissue funny. He is finally persuaded by Xev's increasingly emotional pleas.

With things getting very bad, Stan commands Lexx to tell Kai in the cryochamber that Stanley is being attacked in the passageway.

As you command Stanley

Kai scares off the drones and they all return to the bridge. Looking up they see that the drones are eating away at Lexx, in order to make new copies of themselves.

They are using Lexx as raw material

They realise they can't destroy them all one by one, so they head to a moth. On the way out Kai realises what Mantrid's goal is - to send his drones out into the universe to make more drones. Unfortunately, every way they go there are clouds of Mantrid drones.

It is part of his insect legacy to destroy all mankind

In the cryochamber, 790 is back to (Stan loathing) normal and wondering what the brain tissue attached to him is. He comes up with a plan to stop the drones by reversing the Lexx's drive, causing a massive electrical flux which would fry the electrical systems in the drones.

...but unlike me they do not have a lovechug of human brain

Since the pulse would also destroy 790, Kai agrees to try and retrieve him before the Lexx reverses its particle drive. Both Kai and 790 are safe because the drones only want to kill humans.

By the time Kai returns to the moth, the Lexx is too damaged for Stan to communicate from the moth, so they have to go to the bridge for Stan to give the order.

As you command...Stanley

When the drones start moving in on Stan, Kai says he will stay to fend them off as the pulse will not affect him.

Go! go! He'll be okay

When the crew makes it outside, Lexx reverses his drive...

Main drive discharge

...and a massive charge flux passes through the Lexx destroying all the dones.

A cleansing blast

When they return, the drones are all gone. When Stan enquires, Lexx says he's resorbed them in order to heal himself.

What happened to all the drone parts?

Just then, the visage of Mantrid appears on the view screen. When Kai queries his existence Mantrid informs them that he is a mixture of insect and human, sustained within a machine. His motivation comes from his insect half and his goal is to kill all humans, but because they created him he will kill them last of all...

I'm saving you for last

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