Lexx 2.14 Patches in the sky
Stan has a nightmare so Xev drolly suggests he finds a planet or moon to blow up to make him feels better. As luck would have it the Lexx soon encounters a strange planet...
...with an obnoxious 790 model robot, who challenges Stan, so Stan gives him 60 seconds to improve his mood or the Lexx will blow up the planet
He suggests that Stan rides the narcolounger - a machine that allows you to enter your dreams. Stan likes the idea and tells Lexx to cancel the command to destroy the planet in 60 seconds...
...unfortunately Lexx doesn't know what the word cancel means!
On the narcolounger, Gubby, the owner, has discovered patches in the sky, big chunks of the galaxies missing...
...and that they will all be gone within 103 days!
When the Lexx arrives, the narcolounger is closed, but Gubby is so stoned he agrees to a free go for Stan.
When they arrive, Kai discovers one of Mantrid's drone arms.
Stan enters the machine, ignoring Xev's misgivings, and he's soon surrounded by images of Xev and Lyekka...
...but not for long, as his subconscious takes over and he's back in his nightmare, which means Gigeratta is back!
In the real world, they're trying to retrieve Stan, but Gubby's too out of it to remember how to do it...
...and things are getting really bad for Stan, who's being forced to face his darkest fears
Mind you, things aren't looking too good for Gubby either
...as he gets zapped into Stan's dream...
...and inhaled to death by Gigeratta
With no solution in sight, Xev decides to enter Stan's dream to help him - much to 790's horror.
Outside, Kai and 790 are once again working together to find a solution, and once again 790 has depressing news about the timescale required to work out a solution to the problem, this time: how to extract Stan and Xev from the dream...
...so they go looking for where the physical body is stored...
Xev is on the verge of death when Kai manages to transfer her to an adjacent holding capsule
He repeats the process for Stan and retrieves all of their consciousnesses from the glass sphere
Stan is so relieved he promises never to blow up a planet again...
...but the joy is short-lived as Kai informs them that the universe is rapidly disappearing...
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