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Download v1.51
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Upgrade adds 8 new objects to Misc section.

!QuickDraw is a simple application to complement !Draw.

Its aim is to put lots of shapes at your fingertips, allowing them to be dragged straight into a Draw window, saving you the time and trouble of drawing them.

The screenshot shows !QuickDraw in use. It installs an icon on the iconbar from which a menu is accessed, split into four categories of shape.

Each category opens onto a window full of icons, each of which represents a shape. Simply drag the shape into an open !Draw window and the shape will be loaded.

In the screenshot the Geometric shapes window is open and a bevelled octagon (called octa3) has been dragged into the draw window. The shapes are initially unfilled and with thin lines as they are intended as templates rather than finished clip-art - although it is easy to alter them for this use.

The coloured stars already in the !Draw window came from the Stars window and were subsequently given a line colour and a line width of 4.
New in version 1.5 - click on menu items to open an edit/add shape window to make adding your own shapes, or changing existing ones easier.

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