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  • Marble Cake
  • A truly elegant affair Try it with cream or chocolate sauce
  • Chocolate and orange sponges make a very tasty combination-you can use any flavors you like but dark and light look best.
  • 8oz/225g. Sponge mix
    2 eggs size 4
    2 tbs/30ml cocoa Powder
    Juice and zest of one Orange
    6oz/175g. Bitter chocolate
    2oz/50g.butter 3-4 tbsp thick cream
  • 1 Divide sponge mix between 2 bowls to one Add 1 egg, cocoa and 2-3tbsp. water. Beat until smooth and creamy. Add second egg to other bowl with the orange zest and 2-3 tbsp. juice. Beat to same consistency. 2 Spoon the mixtures into the microwave dish alternately, swirling the colors. Flatten the top and bake on High for 4-5 minutes, turning several times for ovens without turn tables. Leave to stand 5-7 minutes. Melt the chocolate and butter together on Medium for 3.4 minutes, until just melted. Cool slightly and stir in the cream. Turn cake out and place on a rack over a tray. Coat cake generously with warm sauce, leave 3-4 hours to set and serve sliced. Keep any remaining cake well wrapped.

    Perfect to make and freeze for weekend guests. Store wrapped in foil for maximum freshness

