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  • Fruit Kebabs and chocolate dip

  • Serves 4 to 5 Takes 20 mins

  • Ingredients

  • For the kebabs

  • 1 kiwi hult, peeled and cut into chunks
    ½ small cantaloupe melon,
    peeled, seeds removed and cut into chunks
    8 large strawberries, hulled ½ small pineapple, trimmed , cored and cut into chunks

  • For the chocolate dip

  • ltbsp cocoa powder
    150ml/'¼pt fresh orange juice
    ltbsp golden syrup
    6 tbsp half-fat single cream
  • To decorate

  • Icing sugar for dusting
    Preheat the grill. Thread the fruit onto four wooden skewers (presoaked, so they don't catch light) and cover the ends with foil. Blend together the cocoa powder and orange juice and place in a pan with the golden syrup. Bring to the boil reduce the heat and simmer for 5 to 6 rnins until the sauce is slightly thickened. Remove from the heat. a Grill the kebabs for 2 mins on each side until lightly browned. Stir the cream into the chocolate dip and pour into a bowl. Serve together

