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  • Pears in Red Wine

  • Ingredients

  • Serve 6
  • 6 tripe pears,
    1 pt/600ml. Red wine
    1 cinnamon stick broken to pieces
    6 cloves
    6 cardamom pods
    rind and juice of 1 small orange

  • Method

  • Using a vegetable peeler peel the pears, making sure you leave the stalks intact, using a sharp knife trim bases so the pears sit flat, rub the sides of the lemon over pears to prevent browning.
    Stand pears in a saucepan that allows them to sit close together
  • Pour red wine into the pan along with remaining ingredients, bring to boil, skimming away any scum from surface, lower the heat, and simmer for 35-40minutes, or until tender, spoon liquid over pears frequently during cooking to ensure even coloring,
  • Remove the cooked pears from the pan using a slotted spoon and reserve the red-wine liquid, place pears in a warmed heat proof dish and keep warm, return red wine liquid to heat
  • Bring the liquid to the boil and boil rapidly for 8-10 minutes or until liquid is reduced and syrupy, pour syrup through a sieve over the pears, and serve immediately with whipped cream if liked

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