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15g. fresh yeast or the equivalent in easy blend or dried yeast
150 - 175 ml. warm water
200 g. plain flour
pinch of salt
150 g. semolina
25 g. butter


Cream the yeast in water, sieve the flour and salt into a bowl, add the semolina rub in the butter,
add the yeast and enough water until you have a pliable but rather dry dough, work a little dough at a time,
keeping the rest in a refrigerator to retard the rising, roll out very thinly on a floured board and cut into rounds using a plain 5m cutter,
prick each biscuit with a fork and lay on a floured baking sheet, bake at 200c / 400/ F/gas mark 6 until just coloured, cool on a wire tray when completely cold store in a airtight tin

