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  • Mackerel pate'

  • Serves 3-4

  • 1 tin mackerel
    75g/3oz butter
    2 tablespoons lemon juice
    1 tablespoon vineqar
    1 tablespoon vinegar Salt and pepper
    Cress or parsley and lemon slice to garnish


    Open tin of mackerel, remove skin and bone, drain off the liquid
    Cut the lemon in half, cut off one or two neat slices for garnish squeeze the juice from the rest of the lemon
    Mix the mackerel, butter, lemon juice, vinegar, salt, and pepper in a basin beat very thoroughly with a fork and then with a wooden spoon until smooth
    turn into a small dish and smooth the top. Chill.
    Garnish with a little cress or parsley and a twist of lemon

  • Serve this with fingers of toast or fresh bread buns

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