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Fish and tomato

  • Serve 3-4

  • Ingredients

    About 5OOg/ 1lb white fish fillet (cod, coley, haddock)
    Salt and pepper
    1 onion
    1 medium sized tin of tomatoes
    25g/ 1oz butter
    1 rounded tablespoonful chopped parsley
    25g/ 1oz fresh white or brown breadcrumbs
    50g/2oz cheese


    Wash the fish, place in an ovenproof dish, sprinkle with salt and pepper
    peel and slice the onion, wash and chop the parsley, drain most of the juice off the tomatoes, put the tomatoes, onion, parsley, and butter into a small pan, simmer gently for 10 minutes
    grate the cheese, grate the bread to make breadcrumbs
    pour the tomatoes over the fish, mix the cheese and crumbs and spread them over the tomato mixture
    bake in the centre of the oven, Gas 4 180'C for 30 minutes

  • Serve with mashed potatoes and fresh vegetables.

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