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  • Minty Lamb Meat Balls

  • Preparation: 10 minutes; cooking: 6-7 minutes

  • Ingredients


  • 14pt natural yaghurt 1tbsp.fresh chopped mint 2in length cucumber, diced


  • 350g/lZoz minced lamb
    2oz fresh white breadcrumbs
    1 garlic clove, peeled and crushed
    grated rind of 1 lime
    2tbsp. fresh chopped mint
    1oz seasoned flour
    oil for frying
    few cos letluce leaves
    4 spring onions
    cucumber sticks
    mint spring to garnish
    toasted pitta bread and lime wedges to serve

  • Serves 4

  • Method

  • To make the sauce, mix together the yoghurt, chopped mint and cucumber. season well with freshly ground black pepper and chill until ready to serve. Place the minced lamb in a bowl with the breadcrumbs, garlic, lime rind and chopped mint. Mix thoroughly until blended and season well with tsp salt and freshly ground black pepper. With floured hands, take small pieces of the minced mixture and roll into about 20 small balls the size of walnuts. Toss in the seasoned flour. Pour enough oil into a frving pan for it to measure 1in deep. fry the meatballs for 6-7 minutes until cooked through. Finely shred the lettuce leaves and slice the spring onions into short lengths. Arrange on a serving plate with cucumber sticks and top with the meatballs.
    Serve with the sauce garnished with a spring of mint, toasted pitta bread and lime wedges.

