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  • Roast Rolled Fillet of Beef
  • Ingredients
  • 1..5kg centre-cut fillet of beef
    fresh ground black pepper
    3 lbs olive oil
    bay leaves
    1 glass dry red wine

  • Filling
  • 350g mushrooms
    250g blue cheese
    fresh while bread crumbs
    1 lbs butter
    ½ glass white wine

  • Method
  • Prepare mushrooms hy washing carefully and chopping very finely (best done in food processor), and then squeezing out any extra moisture by wrapping in a clean cloth and pressing them. Melt the butter in a skillet and add the mushrooms. Season and cook, stirring occasionally for 5 minutes. Add the thyme and white wine and reduce for another 5 minutes on high heat.
    Finally thicken with sufficient bread crumbs to make a fairly thick mixture, and allow to cool. Ask the butcher to open the fillet so that you end with a square piece of meat (the same method used to open pork fillets). Season the meat with the fresh pepper and salt, spread the mushrooms and dot with blue cheese, and then roll up the fillet like a Swiss roll.
    Tie meat up with twine and place in a shallow roasting pan. Pour the olive oil and the red wine over it and season lightly, adding the bay leaves last of all. Roast uncovered in a very hot oven gas mark 9 (240C, 4750F) for 10minutes, then baste and lower the temperature to mark 4 (1 80"Cc, 350"F) and cook for a further 15 to 25 minutes till done your liking.
    Remove from the oven and allow to rest for a few minutes before serving. Best served with lightly - steamed vegetables or the freshest green salad possible

