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  • Noodles in Walnut sauce

  • Serves 4; calories per portion: 757
  • Ingredients

  • 40z./100g. walnut pieces
    3oz./75g butter, softened
    I garlic clove, peeled and Chopped
    2 thsp flour
    ˝pt/ 300ml milk
    10oz./ 300g .green tagliatelle
    1 teasp vegetable oil
    salt and ground black pepper
    4oz/100g Cheddar cheese, grated
    freshly grated nutmeg

  • Method

  • I

    Preheat grill to medium, 5 mins before you need it.
    Place the walnuts, 2oz/50g Of the butter and the garlic in a food processor. Blend for 2 mins.
    Place the blended mixture in a bowl. Place the remain-mg butter in the food proIcessor with the flour and milk and blend for 2 mins.
    Transfer mixture to a saucepan, and bring the mixture to the boil, stirring. Simmer for 2-3 mins. Cook the tagliatelle with 1 teasp oil in boiling salted water for 8-10 mins.
    Drain the pasta and return to the pan. Add the walnut mixture and heat through for 1-2 mins. stirring.
    Divide the pasta mixture between four gratin dishes. Season the white sauce and pour over the pasta. Sprinkle the grated cheese Over the top , then grill for around 7-10 mins. Or until golden,
    sprinkle with nutmeg and serve with a salad

