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  • Chicken Kurma

  • Preparation: 20 minutes; Cooking 45-50 minutes

  • Ingredients

  • 4 large boneless chicken breast ,skinned
    1 large onion , peeled
    2 garlic cloves, peeled
    1in. piece root ginger
    4 tbsp. Oil
    3 whole cardamom pods
    3 whole cloves
    few black peppercorns
    2 tap ground coriander
    2 tap ground cumin
    2tsp. turmeric
    chilli powed
    150g. natural yoghurt
    75g. ground almonds
    1 tbsp. Frsh chopped coriander to garnish
    coconut and coriander rice to serve

  • Method

  • Cut chicken into pieces, set aside. Place onion, garlic and ginger in a blender with 2 Thsp water and process to a smooth paste.
    Heat the oil, in a pan and add the whole cardamom, cloves and pepper , corns. Fry for 1 minute. Add the chicken pieces and fry until browned all over. - Set to one side. Remove and discard the whole spices.
    Add the onion paste to the pan. Fry, stirring, for 5 minutes, then add coriander, cumin, turmeric and chilli. Gradually stir in the voghurt until it is absorbed.
    Retum the chicken to the pan with the ground almonds and about 8fl.oz. water. Simmer gently for 35 minutes. In crease the heat and cook for a few minutes until some of the liquid has evaporated and the sauce is quite thick. Season well. Serve garnished with coriander and individual coconut and coriander rice moulds

