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Pudina Tal Hobs

Bread Pudding


2 large Maltese loaves (or equivalent), preferably a day or two old
400 g. sugar
350 g. margerine
3 eggs
1 grated rind of one lemon
2 tablespoons chocolate powder
100g. currants or sultanas
glaced cherries
one packet dates (optional) cut into small pieces
some walnuts or almonds (roasted and cut into small pieces)
one small glass brandy or rum (optional)


Soak bread in water for two hours until soft, drain bread properly Add margerine and sugar. Mix well. Beat eggs and add to the mixture. Add the other ingredients. Put mixture in a container well greased and cook in a moderate oven for about an hour (Till top is brown and crispy).

Serve hot with custard or cold on it's own.

