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Stuffed tomatoes

  • Serves 4

  • Ingredients

    4 firm tomatoes
    2 slices of bread
    50g/2oz cheese
    Salt and pepper
    Lettuce for serving


    Wash and dry the tomatoes. slice the top off to make a lid (not the stalk end)
    Use a grater or blender to make breadcrumbs, grate the cheese
    using a teaspoon, remove the inside of the tomatoes and mix this with the crumbs and cheese. Add a little salt and pepper.
    spoon this filling back into the tomatoes put the lid on
    wash the lettuce and gently shake it dry. Serve the tomatoes on a flat dish, on the lettuce

  • To serve the tomatoes hot when the filling has been added, stand the tomatoes on a greased baking tray. Brush with oil or melted butter and bake at gas 4/180'c for about 20 minutes.

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