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Creamy ham and pea

  • Serves 4

  • Ingredients

    30g.(1oz) butter
    1 shallot chopped
    1 tbsp. flour
    570ml. (1pt) medium dry white wine
    280ml (½)double cream
    110g. (4oz.) thickly sliced ham diced
    230g.(8oz.) peas
    1 little lettuce shredded
    salt and pepper

  • For The Croutons

  • 3-4 tbsp olive oil
    3 thick slices white bread, crusts removed and cut into 2½ cm.(1in)cubes

  • Method

  • Melt the butter until it starts to foam.
    Add the shallot and cook unti soft but not coloured. Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the flour.
    Don't return the pan to the heat. Add the wine very gradually, waiting until it has all been absorbed before adding more
    add the cream the same way. Return the pan to the heat and bring to the boil,
    stirring all A the time.
    Add the ham and peas, cover with a a lid and simmer for 10 minutes
    Add the lettuce and remove the pan from the heat. For the croutons, heat the oil in a pan and fry the cubes of bread until they're crisp and golden
    Drain on kitchen paper. Season the soup, spoon into bowl and sprinkle with croutons

  • Serve Hot

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