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  • Fish Soup
  • Ingredients
  • olive oil
    cloves garlic
    6 tomatoes peeled and chopped
    200g. Cooked octopus cuttlefish
    3 razor clams
    8 mussels
    1 red bream
    1 scorpion fish
    1 glass of white wine
    celery & mint

  • Method
  • In a thick,botttom pan heat some olive oil and fry the crushed garlic. When the garlic turns golden, add chopped tomatoes and cook for 5 minutes. Add red bream, octopus. when the shells are half open, add the white wine, mussels, and razon clams, parsley, celery, and some fresh mint. Simmer until mussels and clams open. Add a touch of brandy, flame, and serve.

