The King and his Vizier
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 The King and his Vizier
It is related that once there was an intelligent, wise and a kind king. He was dedicated to the well-being of his subjects and always inquired about their affairs. His vizier was also concerned about the people’s welfare and assisted the king in this deed. Both of them were friendly towards one another and shared their views. The vizier remained busy in serving the scholars and virtuous men. He listened to their wise words and was ready to sacrifice his life for them. His heart was always inclined towards the abandonment of this world and its vanities. But for fear and friendship of the king, he kept it in his heart and worshipped the idols to please the king, so that he would not harm him.
He remained worried about the king’s deviation and error, inspite of his kindness and mercy. He was always looking for an opportunity to guide the king towards the right. One night when everyone slept, the king told his vizier, “Come, we shall ride to the town and see in what state are my subjects living.” The vizier replied that it was a good idea. Both of them mounted and started going around the town. During their stroll they passed from near a garbage place and saw a light coming out of it. The king told the vizier, “We should follow this light and see as to what’s happening inside.” They came down from their mount and went to that place. When they peeped inside the crevice, they saw an ugly and indigent man wearing dirty clothes sitting inside reclining on the garbage. He was beating a drum and in front of him was kept a glass of wine. An ugly woman wearing soiled clothes was standing opposite him.
When the man asked for wine she served it, and when he played the drum she danced. When he drank wine, the woman praised him in a manner as people praise the kings. He too praised the woman and called her ‘Sayyedatun Nisa’ (Mistress of the women). They were glorifying each other’s beauty and spending a life of peace and happiness. The king and his vizier stood there for sometime and saw what they did. They were surprised at these two who were happy even though living a degraded and debased life. They turned back, and the king asked, “Did you see them how happy they are, inspite of being in such a dirty condition. Our happiness when compared to theirs is nothing. And I think that they always remain like that.”
When the vizier heard these words from the mouth of the king, he found the time appropriate to advise and said, “O king! In the eyes of those who recognize the ‘True King’, this world and its luxuries are equal to this garbage place. The palaces and castle that we built bearing hardships are equal to the ugly faces of these two whom we just saw. And the comforts and pleasures of this perishable world (in their eyes) are like these two’s rejoicing at no true happiness.”
The king asked the vizier as to whether he knew such people. The vizier replied, “Yes, I do know them.” The king asked as to who they were, and where they lived? The vizier replied, “They are those people who love the religion of Allah, and are aware of the kingdom of the hereafter and its bliss. They always remain eager for the felicity of the hereafter.” The king then asked him as to what is the hereafter? He replied, “It is a place of peace and contentment, where there shall be no troubles and anxieties. It is such a wealth after which a person does not remain dependent of anyone.” Then he briefed the king about the characteristics of the hereafter. The king heard his words and said, “Do you know the way and means to acquire this felicity”? The vizier replied, “Yes, it is for those who strive to seek this road (to religion and the hereafter).”
The king was impressed and desired to seek the hereafter. He then told the vizier why he never informed him about it previously nor related its characteristics? The vizier said that he was afraid of his kingship and dignity. The king replied, “Whatever characteristics (of the hereafter) you have related to me are not to be ignored. But one should strive to seek them, so that we may be characterised by its characteristics and succeed.” The vizier said, “O king! If you permit me, I will relate these characteristics in detail to you, so that you may become fully acquainted with them, and your belief may become firm.” The king was happy and said, “In fact I order you to do so day and night, so that I may not become engrossed in anything else and become negligent of it. One should not neglect this act, for it is a wonderful and an excellent one and we should not avoid such a good duty.” Thereafter the vizier daily advised the king and guided him to the right path.

Here we quote a sermon of Imam Ali (a.s.) as a gift for the believers:

O people! Beware of this deceitful world, for it has attracted the hearts towards evil by its elegance and beauty. It has subdued your wishes by false promises. This world is like a woman who has adorned herself only for marriage, and due to her beauty deceives men and attracts them towards her. She ultimately kills her husbands with her own hands. So the present people should take lessons from those people in the past who had fallen prey to it, and save themselves from its conceit.”

Reference: Manazelul Akhreah