Meeting of Hazrat Musa
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Meeting of Hazrat Musa (as)  with Shaytan

It is mentioned in reliable traditions that one day Musa (as)  was sitting when Satan appeared before him wearing a multi coloured cap. He took off his cap and approached Musa (as) . Musa (as)  asked as to who he was? He said, Iblis. Musa (as)  said, May Allah not give residence to anyone near your residence. Why have you donned this cap on your head?

He said, I attract the children of Adam through these colors. Musa (as)  said, Tell me the sin which if committed by the son of Adam you overpower him fully.

When he overestimates his deed and gets vain and then underestimates his sin.”

Then he said, O Musa (as) ! Never stay alone with a woman who is not permissible for you. such people I do not leave to my companions but personally make efforts in misleading them and do not leave his side until he indulges in sin. Also never, give any promise to your God because whoever gives any promise to Allah I do not leave them to my companions but attend personally to him to endeavor that he may not fulfill  his promise.

And (O Musa (as) )! Whenever you think of giving charity, make haste because whenever one intends to pay charity I pat attention to him myself and not leave him to my assistants. I make maximum efforts to make him regret it.

 The Staff of Hazrat Musa (as)  

It is stated that the staff of Hazrat Musa (as)  had two branches on the upper side and two curved branches below and the top of staff was strong like steel. When Musa (as)  went to the think forest or desert before sunrise, the branches of staff gave light. When Musa (as)  needed water to drink, he cast his staff into the well and water came up. When he needed food, he cast his staff on the ground, and food came out from the ground as usual. When re required fruits, he fixed his stick on the ground. It changed into a fruit tree. When it was needed for a battle against enemies, it changes into big serpents and destroyed enemies. The forests and the mountains moved from his way when he cast his staff on the ground. The water of canals also split and gave him way to pass and form another branch honey overflew. When he was tired of walking, he rode on it and it took him where he wanted to go. It guided him on the way. It attacked his enemies. It spread a sweet fragrance. When it was cast on the ground it became a black serpent with four legs. It’s branches turned into two large mouths with many teeth, twelve fangs and a terribly loud hiss emanated from its mouth. It emitted flames from its mouth. Its wings were shining like stars. Its eyes shone stars. It exhaled hot air. When it reached to a stone as big as a camel, it swallowed it. Its stomach sounded like stones and removed huge trees from the roots.

Reference: Hayat ul Qulub Vol. 1 ( Eng. ) by Allama Majlisi. Under the Section ‘An Account of Musa & Haroon’