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Polly Farina

yearbook picture of Mrs. F

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Business and English Department  
Benicia Unified School District
Benicia, CA

Class Phone # 707-748-2963


  • Born and raised in Billings, Montana  (Yes, I'm a cowgirl!)
  • Attended University of Denver
  • Graduated from Cal State Hayward with BA in Liberal Studies/Business
  • Owned bookkeeping firm in Benicia for 20+ years
  • Married with two grown children
  • School board trustee for 8 years (1987-1995)

My Life as an Educator

        Through a marvelous quirk of fate, I started teaching business/computer classes at Benicia High in 1999. In 2001, I began teaching a technology-based British & Contemporary Literature class. It takes some people a little longer to find their destiny!   

        I have the distinct advantage of being able to bring my business experience into the classroom, making real-life connections between our class work and the work-world that students will soon be entering.  I can certainly say to the students, "Been there, done that!"

        My educational philosophy is "Make it Real!"  If students see the connection between life-long learning and their personal experience, they will fall in love with the learning process. I try to foster a passion for learning -- a passion for life. 

When I'm Not Teaching..

   ...I'm learning! I enjoy:

  • taking classes
  • reading, reading and more reading
  • camping and hiking
  • traveling anywhere, but especially Hawaii

My Favorite Web Sites

        One of the tremendous advantages of technology today is our link to the world.  Check out some of my favorite "connections to the world." 
  • California Virtual Enterprise page takes you to the home page for our Virtual Enterprise curriculum. Under "Enterprises" you'll find links to all the California and world-wide Virtual Enterprise simulations. Check out the "Resources" section for great entrepreneurship curriculum.

  • Macbeth Translation is a BBC sponsored web site that translates Shakespearean English to modern English. It's a great resource for understanding Shakespeare's work. I've linked you to the Macbeth translation.

  • Want to learn what happened on This Day In History ? This site will tell you.
  • Need some quick tips and tricks for Microsoft Office programs? Check out Microsoft Office Assistance
  • The Benicia High web page connects you to our High School home page. Come visit!

This is a personal homepage and doesn't represent the opinions of my school. Last updated on August 24, 2002.

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