Welcome to garrettpace.com ! I want to thank all of you for visiting.
My friends keep informing me that this is the lamest website on the Net. I can't disagree with them...
Rest assured I continue to seek out the nicest American built instruments that I can find.
Unfortunately, times are indeed," Tougher than Tough ". However, I believe I am past my Hard Drive Crashing, Camera Dying, Guitar Ignoring patch and ready to start swinging some axes.
Long time no update - the LP Classic, White Baker Jr. and the Custom Shop Brian Moore have all been sold. There should be another one or two nice electrics from Gibson posting later this week? Want to see something specific (LP, Specials, VOS, etc.) just let me know! (Jan. 13-20th)
If you are looking to sell a Vintage or an American built Guitar, please drop me an email. I pay more than the other guys and I will not offer you half its value if we can work out a trade.I have been spending more and more time on the fly tying vise this Winter and should have a healthy assortment of Steelhead and early to mid-season Trout Flies for all of you who refuse to fish with crappy bugs! Speaking of Fishing I am no longer guiding trips, myself, but if you are interested in Fishing Western Montana I can hook you up with the right Outfitters. Nobody should waste their time fishing with the majority of the Services available here in Western Montana...Or you can just ask nicely and I'll take you fishing for free!
As always, those looking for a specific guitar, feel free to email with any questions. I have numerous references and great connections. If you're looking for that rare instrument or oddball part, chances are I can find it for you.
Thanks for visiting. Drop me an email if there's anything I can help you find or just to say hello. Be sure to check back as most of the guitars don't last long!

Thanks for visiting!