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CNHS Class '65 Scholarship Foundation, Inc.

Graduation Rites at CSU of 2 Ladies  from Our 5th Batch of Scholars on April 5, 2011

On the morning of April 5, 2011 two more of our scholars achieved their lifetime dreams. These 2 young ladies, Lonnelyn Sallutan and Liezle Ala received the diplomas of their chosen careers in a commencement exercise by the Cavite State University held at Island Cove Stadium in Binakayan, Kawit, Cavite.

The completion of the 4-year course of these 2 young ladies as top-rate teachers will supplement the much needed members of educators in the Philippines. Through the unselfish and unwavering support of the benevolent sponsors as well as the alumni members of the CNHS Class of 1965, the CNHS 65 Scholarship Foundation made it possible for these 2 young ladies to realize their dreams.

Congratulations to Lonnelyn and Liezle, we are very proud of you. To our benevolent sponsors, our deepest gratitude in helping these two lovely ladies achieve their ambitions. Our scholars' achievement is also your achievement. Congratulations to you, too, dear sponsors.


liezle the graduate                      lonnelyn the graduate
               Liezle Ala, BSE Major in English
                 (Cum Laude)
     Lonnelyn Sallutan, BEE Major in Early
Childhood Education
(Magna Cum Laude)


graduates with board members    lonnelyn with family    liezle with family
With some members of the Board;
Tedd Navarro, Olly Abuid,
Dante Salud and Deh Morente
Lonnelyn with Brother, Mom and Dad Liezle with Mom and Cousin

lonnelyn with medal      lunch after graduation      liezle with medal
Lonnelyn with Her Medal Blow Out Lunch Courtesy of Dante After Graduation Rites Liezle with Her Medal