Edward MOZINGO, indentured servant of John WALKER , was born bef. 1644 in Unknown; possibly VA. He married Margaret* (PIERCE\BAYLEY) bef. 04 September 1685 in Old Rappahannock Co, VA. He died bet. 30 July 1711 and 07 May 1712 in North Farnham Parish, Richmond Co, VA. Margaret* (PIERCE\BAYLEY), daughter of Richard BAYLEY and Elizabeth PIERCE , was born bef. 1669 in Unknown; possibly VA. She died aft. 30 July 1711 in North Farnham Parish, Richmond Co, VA - (Prob.).

Mozingo family and Queen Njinga of Angola - People are trying to connect the Edward Mozingo family to Queen Njinga of Angola as direct decendants. The problem with this is that based on the sources that I've found she had no surviving children of her own (see data below).
Njinga (n-JIHN-guh) grew up in the royal household of the Mbundu people. ("Njinga" is the current official spelling, in accord with the post-1980 orthographic reform of the Kimbundu language, of the name previously spelled "Nzinga.") The Mbundu lands stretched from the Atlantic coast in the west to the Kwango River in the eastern highlands and from the Dande River in the north to the Kwanza River in the south. The western part of the region, where Njinga was born, was the Kingdom of Ndongo; an eastern section, Mbamba, had been an early homeland of the Mbundu. Njinga's father was Ngola Kilajua, Ngola being the word for "King" in Kimbundu, the Mbundus' native language. Ngola Kilajua ruled the Kingdom of Ndongo. Njinga's mother, however, was descended from slaves and therefore had no blood ties to the hierarchy of landed chieftains. When Ngola Kilajua died 1617, one of his sons succeeded him as Ngola Mbande. Mbande had murdered any males who might compete with him for the succession, including a son of Princess Njinga.
The Italian missionary Giovanni Cavazzi lived and worked in Angola for many years and was a close confidant of Queen Njinga. His book, Istorica Descrizione de tre regni Congo, Matamba ed Angola, published in 1687 tells of his time spent in Angola; below is an except from it about her desire to have a child of her own.
"...such was the Queen’s love for children that she could not bear to be without their presence, she played & enjoyed herself with them, & having passed the age of Masseno when he was the King, she clamoured & cried to give birth to a child ....; .... many times she has asked God with prayers for a child of her own; this can be called a metamorphosis & transformation by the heavenly right hand.”
Another source I found on the internet flatly stated she had no children.
Njinga hoped that a peaceful relationship with Portugal would allow her to settle her kingdom and determine a successor, as she had no children.
If anyone has documented evidence to the contrary I would be interested in seeing it.

Children of Edward MOZINGO and Margaret* (PIERCE\BAYLEY) are:
1. Edward MOZINGO, b. bet. 1679 and 1683 See Edward MOZINGO & Eliza BOOTH
2. John MOZINGO, b. bet. 1679 and 1692 See John MOZINGO & Elizabeth (GERRARD\WILLIAMS)
3. Michael MOZINGO, b. 06 September 1687

Marriage Notes for Edward MOZINGO\Margaret* (PIERCE\BAYLEY):

From Lineages:
1685 Sep 04 Rappahannock Co, VA, ....Edward MOZINGO and Margrett his wife ordered brought into the next northside court to answer the complaint of Col. John STONE...

Notes for Edward MOZINGO:

Sources for Edward MOZINGO:

  1. Lineages Report, October 2, 1991 Report, p 71685 Sep 04 Rappahannock Co, VA, The suit of Edward MOZINGO vs. George BRUSE was dismissed on a finding of no cause. A non suit was granted to Francis SETTLE against Edward MOZINGO [i.e MOZINGO sued SETTLE, but the suit was dismissed for no cause]. Edward MOZINGO and Margrett his wife ordered brought into the next northside court to answer the complaint of Col. John STONE MOZINGO and wife ordered to provide securities. Samuel BAYLEY and Mathew KELLY signed with Edward MOZINGO a bond in the amount of 2000 pounds of tobacco for the good behavior of Edward MOZINGO and his wife [i.e., they posted bail] (OrderBookAbstracts).
  2. Calculation of date of birth, 1672 court case - 28 yrs of servitude; if born in 1644 he would be 68 yrs at his death. He could easily have been born 12 yrs or more earlier.
  3. Richmond County Virginia Will & Inventory Vol 1-3 1699-1717, Will Book 3, p. 751711 Jul 30 Richmond Co, VA, Edward MOZINGO wrote his will. He gave his son Edward two guns and directed that his wife Margaret and two sons John and Edward were to divide the remainder of the personal estate equally. His wife Margaret was to receive her dower thirds, and at her death, his sons Edward and John were to divide the land equally. The will was witnessed by Leonard and John DOZER and Edward BARROW. It was probated on 7 May 1712.
  4. Minutes of the Council and General Court of Colonial Virginia, 1622-1632, 1670-1676, with Notes and Excerpts from Original Council and General Court R, p 316The 5th October 1672 "Mozingos ordr for freedom Whereas it Appeareth by Divers Witneffes that had been Sworne and Examined that Edward Mozingo a negro man had been and was an apprentice by Indenture to Coll Jno Walker and that by Comuptation his terme of Servitude for Twenty Eight yeares is now Expired, The Court after a fullheareing of the Matter In differrence Betweene the Said Ewd: Mozingo and Doctor Stone who marrryed Coll Walkers Widdow, It is Adjudged by this Court that the Faid Edw: Mozingo be and Remayne free to all Intents and purpofes by order of this Court"
  5. Order book abstracts of Richmond County, Virginia, 1702-1704, p 130
  6. Abstracts of Land Records of Richmond County, Virginia 1692-1704, p 114
  7. Westmoreland County Virginia Deeds and wills, Vols. 3-4 1701-1709, Deeds & Wills 3:50-511702 Feb 24 Westmoreland Co, Virginia. [Col.] William PEIRCE wrote his will. He named Peirce and Stanly GOWER, grandson Samuel BAYLEY who received "all my land on the south side of Pantico runn next adjoyning unto Ned MESSINGO and George BRUCE," grandson William PEIRCE (son of John PEIRCE deceased), wife [Sarah], [three] daughters Elizabeth BRIDGES, Margaret GRAHAM, and Mary ROWSEY, and loving friend Thomas MARSON and Rachel his wife. Probated 25 March 1702.
  8. Wills of Richmond County, Virginia, 1699-1800, p. 24   p. 87-88. Inv. & appr. rec. 4 June 1712.

Notes for Margaret* (PIERCE\BAYLEY):

Sources for Margaret* (PIERCE\BAYLEY):

  1. Calculation of date of birth, 1685 court case - minimum 16 yrs of age since she was married
  2. Order book abstracts of Richmond County, Virginia, 1694-1697, p 49

Notes for Michael MOZINGO:

Sources for Michael MOZINGO:

  1. North Farnham Parish Register 1672-1800, Richmond Co, VA, Rappahannock Co, VA, Michael MASSINGS, son of Edward and Margaret MASSINGS, born North Farnham Parish