Henry MONZINGO, son of Lewis* MOZINGO and Naomi ? , was born abt. 1803 in Darlington District, SC - (Prob.). He married Narcissis ALCOCK 23 December 1830 in Laurens Co, GA. He died abt. 04 December 1858 in Claiborne Pa, LA (Now Webster Pa). Narcissis ALCOCK was born bet. 1810 and 1820 in SC. She died bet. 1846 and 1848 in GA.

Children of Henry MONZINGO and Narcissis ALCOCK are:
1. Mahala Annie MONZINGO, b. abt. 1838
2. Louis MONZINGO, b. abt. 1834 See Louis MONZINGO & R A SMITH OR Louis MONZINGO & Amanda O'NEAL
3. Giles MONZINGO, b. 27 December 1834 See Giles MONZINGO & Mary S PETERS, "Mollie"
4. Sidney MONZINGO, b. June 1842 See William Henry PEARSON & Sidney MONZINGO, "Siddie"
5. Lucy MONZINGO, b. abt. 1833 See J T SMITH & Lucy MONZINGO
6. George Whitfield MONZINGO, b. April 1839 See George Whitfield MONZINGO & Laura PETERS OR George Whitfield MONZINGO & Edward Janetta BOZEMAN, "Nettie"
7. Abraham Paul MONZINGO, b. 01 April 1843 See Abraham Paul MONZINGO & Missouri Carolina SHAW
8. Mary Ann MONZINGO, b. abt. 1846 See John Wesley HANKS & Mary Ann MONZINGO

Other Marriages/Unions for Henry MONZINGO:
See Henry MONZINGO & Cynthia SANDERS

Notes for Henry MONZINGO:

1840 Houston, GA, p 368, MONTZINGO, HENRY, Males: 1-> under 5 (George age 0), 2->5-10 (Louis age 6, Giles age 5), 1->30-40 (Henry age 37); Females: 1-> under 5 (Mahala age 2), 1->5-10 (Lucy age 7), 1->20-30 (Narcissis)

1850 Houston, GA, p 325,
Cinthia, 30, GA
Lucy, 17, GA
Louis, 16, GA
Giles, 14, GA
Mahala, 12, GA
George, 10, GA
Sidney, 8, GA
Abraham, 6, GA
Mary, 4, GA
William, 11/12, GA

1860 Claiborne, LA, Minden P O, p 707
Montzingo, Syntha, 48, Born GA
W J, 11, GA (m)
J, 9, LA (f)
S, 6, LA (m)

1870 Claiborne, LA, 4 W Minden, p 105
Ginett, 18, LA (f)
Sanders, 16, LA
In Household of Daniel Sanders.

1880 Webster, LA, 4th Ward, p 281C
Daniel M. SAUNDERS, Self, 45, GA, Firman, GA , GA
Caroline, Wife, 25, LA, GERMANY, GER
James M, Son, 7, LA, GA, LA
Alice, Dau, 5, LA, GA, LA
Mary, Dau, 3, LA, GA, LA
Caroline, Dau, 1, LA, GA, LA
Charlotte, Mother, 86, GA, GERMANY, GER
Robert, Brother, 37, GA, GA , GA
Seatron, Brother, 30, GA, GA , GA
Cynthy MOURINGS,Sister, 56, GA, Farmer, GA, GA
Jennett, Dau, 26, LA, GA, GA
William ADAMS, Other, 13, LA, Servant, Farm Laborer, LA, LA (Race, B)

From the Files of Sharon Johnson:
Susscssion of Henry Mosengo
Petition for Tutorship
Filed 4th Dec. 1858
D. Henry Dyer Clk Dist Court

To the Honor Judge of the seventeenth Judicial District Court of the state of Louisiana and in and for the parish of Clairborne and to the Clerk of the Court.

The Petition of Cynthia Sanders said state and parish with respect represents that she was the wife and is now the widow of Henry Mozingo late of said parish decd Petitioner shows that said Henry Mozingo left at his death three minor children named William J. and Joanna Virginea and Sanders Mosingo issue of the marriage of your petitioner and Henry Mozingo now decd. And shows that said decd left a small amt of property at his death in which said minors have an interest.
Wherefore petitioner prays to be confirmed and qualified ad Matural Tutrix to said minors and for the appointment of and under tutor and prays for all necessary orders and for general relief.

LB Wathens &
George Attorneys for

State of Louisiana
Parish of Clairborne

By reason of the foregoing petition and the law and the evidence it is ordered adjudged and decreed that the petitioner Cynthia Saunders be appointed and confirmed Natural Tutrix to minors William J. Joanna Virginia and Saunders Mozinigo upon her taking oath according to law. The taking of an inventory on this application is dispensed with be now an inventory has this day been ordered to be made upon application of Christopher Chaffe for letters of administration on succession of Henry Mozingo Decd. This done and signed in chambers on this the 4th day of Dec. A.D. 1858.

D Henry Dyer
Clerk Dist. Court
Succession of Henry Mozingo
Filed January 12, 1859

D Henry Dryer Clk Dist Court
I certify that the within has been duly recorded in Dest Court Records
Book c on pages 81 & 82
Given with my hand this sead of our said Court this 7th February 1859

WH H Dyer
By Clerk

State of LouisianaSuccession of Henry
Parish of ClaiborneMozingo deceased

To RA Lancaster Notary Public in and for Claiborne Parish or to any duly qualified Notary Public of Claiborne Parish greeting.
You are hereby authorized commissioned and required to make and take an inventory and appraisement of all the property in your said parish which may be known to or shown you as the property of Henry Monzingo decd and due return make of the same as the law requires given under my hand and the seal of our said court this 4th Dec AD 1858.

D Henry Dyer
Clk Dist Court

State of LouisianaBe it remembered to
Parish of Claibornethat in comopliance
With the annexed commission infused from the clerk of the district court of Claiborne Parish Louisiana and directed to me Real A Lancaster Notary Public in and for the Parish of Claiborne said state duly commissioned and sworn.

I have this day the 21st day of December AD 1858 at the late residence of Henry Montzingo decd in presence of Francis Marion Canfield and James Nasham dorch appraisers of lawful ages have taken comet and faithful inventory of all the property real and personally belonging to the succession of said Henry Montzingo decd being and situaled in said parish of Claiborne and that said prpoerty had been seperately and justly appraised by Frances M Canfield and James N Dorch lawful appraisers domicitated in said Parish of Claiborne who had been previously summoned by me to make a fair and just appraisement of said property.

We and each of us do solemnly swear that we will truly and faithfully value and appraise all the property shown to us and appraise all the property shown to us belonging to Henry Montzingo but situated in the Parish of Claiborne to the best of our knowledge and ability so help up god sworn to and subscribed before me on the 21st of Dec. AD 1859.

FM Canfield
JN Dorch

PA Lancaster Notary Public
List of Property inventoried and appraised

The first half of the south west quarter of section two in township nineteen of Range Nine Eighty Two acres and nineteen hundred-ths of an acre. The south east quarter of the south west quarter of section two in township nineteen of range nine forty one acres and nine hundredths of an acres.

South west quarter of south west quarter of section two township nineteen of range nine containing. Forty-one acres and nine hundredths an acres.

Appraised at$800.00
6 head of cattle$45.00
13 head of hogs$15.00
1 wagon$40.00
1 mule$60.00
4 meat hogs$32.00
1 small lot farming tools &
crop cut land$5.00
3 feather beds and bed clothing$75.00
1 large map$5.00
2 pine tables$3.00
8 chairs$4.00
1 loom and spinning wheel$10.00
1 small lot of pot ware$6.00
1 trunk and safe$3.00
2 bread trays$1.00
1 lot of crockery$2.00
lot of corn supposed to be
fifty bushels$30.00
Lot cotton supposed to be
One thousand$300.00
1 grindstone$1.00
3 lard cans$1.50
1 pair stillard.75 cents
1 Barrell Lath$1.50
5 Bee stands$7.50

The foregoing described property amounting in appraisement to one thousand four hundred and forty eight dollars and twenty-five cents is a correct and complete inventory and appraisement of all the pointed out to me belonging to said succession with in said Parish of Claiborne.

This inventory and appraisement commissioned and completed on this the 21st day on Dec. AD 1858 in evidence whereof I hereto sign my name officially in presence of the within named appraisers.

FM Canfield
JN Dorch

RA Lancaster
Notary Public

Sucession of Henry

Proces of Verbal of Sale
Filed Oct. 5th 1859

Edward Dyer
Dist. Clk.

To the Honorable Judge and Clerk of the seventeenth Judicial court of Louisiana for the parish of Claiborne.
Christopher Chaffe Administrator of the succession of Henry Mozingo deceased under appointment of your said court with respect shows that by virtue of an order and commissioned issued by your honorable court directing him so to do he made due advertisement of the sale and its terms in the Claiborne advocate a weekly newspaper published in said parish and state for thirty entire days next preceding the day of sale I proceeded to make sale of all property belonging to succession at the late residence of Henry Mozingo decd in said parish pursurant to said advertisement within hours of sale on the fourth day of February in the year AD 1859 I offered the property at public auction when the following persons became purchasers of the property as herein after described sale made for cash provided the price bid amounted to the appraisement.

Cynthia Sanders, the widow
of the decd bought five
Belgians @@ six & 50 dollars$6.50

George Mozingo pair steel
Yards.50 cents
Cynthia Sanders widow 1 sack salt$1.50
Goodman 1 grindstone$1.40
J. Sanders 1 tin can.50 cents
do 1 crosscut saw$4.00
do 1 bedgit & 1 probe$1.40
George Mozingo 1 lot of tools$1.00

Carried forward $16.80

Widow of decd 1 lot of crockery$2.00
do1 breadtray.50 cents
Isaac Loften 1 breadtray.85 cents
Widow of decd safe$1.50
do trunk$1.50
do 4 chairs$2.50
Wm Colbert 4 chairs$1.50
Samuel Mosingo tabnap$5.25
Widow of decd 1 table$1.30
do 2 beds and bedding$50.00
do 1 bed and bedding$25.00
do 1 loom$10.00
do 1 lot of potware$6.00
WM Collins 1 shovel.75 cents
R Randle 1 lot of plows$6.50
Widow of decd 1 mule$61.00
1 sow and pigs$13.50
R. Randle hogs in the range$23.00
George Mosinzo 1 cow and calf$12.00
Widow of decd 1 red cow and yearling$14.00
1 lot of corn$6.75
Land was bid off by widow of decd but failed to comply with terms of sale by paying the cash. The widow of decd retained the price of the moveables by her bid off an acct. of the widow and minors 1000homestead. The sale of the described in the inventory was enjoined by Giles Mosingo Jr. There being no more property to be sold I closed said sale on 4th Feb 1859 before 4 o'clock p.m.
Christopher Chaffe

JD Watkins

Sources for Henry MONZINGO:

  1. Family Records of Doug Monzingo,
  2. Land records of Houston County, Georgia 1831 - 1834, p 223
  3. Land records of Houston County, Georgia 1834 - 1836, p 198-9
  4. Claiborne Parish Trails, Vol 5, p 188, Claiborne Parish Court Minutes Book A - Jury ListHenry Monzingo 17 Mar 1856 p 502
  5. Claiborne Parish Trails, Vol 7, p 96, Claiborne Parish Probate Record Index

Notes for Narcissis ALCOCK:

Sources for Narcissis ALCOCK:

  1. Family Records of Doug Monzingo,

Notes for Mahala Annie MONZINGO: