Updated 6/8/03
County, State, Township, Page #, Name, Data

Page, IA   Dwelling Number: 9  Family Number: 10  Page Number: 108   Township Name: Colfax  Township Number: 67  Range: 38  Section: 4  Family History Film: 1020170  Volume: 242
Monzingo, Edward   Age: 59  Sex: M  Marital Status: M  Birth State: IN  Entitled to Vote: X
    Elisabeth   Age: 45  Sex: F  Marital Status: M  Birth State: OH  Father's Nativity: F  Mother's Nativity: F
    Rhoda  Age: 21 Marital Status: S Birth County: Page
    Lincoln  Age: 19  Marital Status: S  Birth County: Page  Subject to Military Duty: X
    Emma  Age: 17  Marital Status: S  Birth County: Page
    Alice  Age: 15  Birth County: Page
    James  Age: 13  Birth County: Page
    Frederick  Age: 11  Birth County: Page
    Edward  Age: 8  Birth County: Page
    Ollie  Age: 5  Sex: F  Birth County: Page

Page, IA, Dwelling Number: 159  Family Number: 159  Page Number: 235 Township Name: Nodaway  Town: Clarinda 2nd Ward  Location: 7th Street and South Prominade Street   Family History Film: 1020170  Volume: 243
Monzingo, Thomas N.  Age: 38  Sex: M  Marital Status: M  Birth State: IN  Subject to Military Duty: X Entitled to Vote: X
    Mary R. Age: 40    Marital Status: M     Birth State: PA
    Julia E.  Age: 12   Birth County: Page
    Mattie  Age: 10  Birth County: Page
    Arthur S.  Age: 8  Birth County: Page
    John J.  Age: 7  Birth County: Page

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