Updated 12/12/06
County, State, Page, Given Name, Surname, Data

Botetourt, VA, 295, Thomas MOZINGO, (2nd from bottom), 300001-00001, Males: 3->under 5 (Simon, Charles, ?), 1->30-40 (Thomas); Females:1->20-30 (Rachel); Total 5.

Culpeper, VA, 259, James MOSSINGS, (6th from top), 200011-01001-1sl, Males: 2->under 5 (Silas H, Joseph), 1->20-30 (?), 1->30-40  (James); Females:1->5-10 (Eliza J), 1->20-30 (Emily); Total 7.

Ohio VA, p 43/25, Chas MURZINGO, (7th from bottom), 100001-11001, Males: 1->under 5 (John?), 1->30-40 (Charles); Females:1->under 5 (Ann), 1->5-10 (?), 1->20-30 (Mary); Total 5.

Rappahannock, VA, 15, Benjamin MOZINGO Sr, (2nd from top), 0000000001-000000001- Males: 1->70-80  (Benjamin); Females: 1->60-70  (Mary); 9 Slaves; Total 11.

Rappahannock, VA, 29, Benjamin L MOZINGO, (12th from top), 0121001-210001002-lsl, Males: 1->5-10 (Garnot), 2->10-15 (Burdet, Stephen), 1->15-20 (Henry), 1->40-50 (Benjamin); Females: 2->under 5 (Mary A, Eliza), 1->5-10 (Maria), 1->30-40 (Elizabeth),  2->60-70 (Mildred, ?); 1 Slave;  Total 12.

Rappahannock, VA, 24, Darnell MOZINGO, (8th from top) 00001-10001, Males: 1->20-30 (Darnell); Females: 1-> under 5 (?); 1->20-30 (Patsy); Total 3.

Rappahannock, VA, 34Pensioner: George MOZINGO, 79

Rappahannock, VA, 29, George MOZINGO Jr, (3th from bottom), 110001-201011, Males: 1->under 5, 1->5-10, 1->30-40; Females: 2->under 5, 1->10-15, 1->20-30, 1->30-40; Total 8.

Rappahannock, VA, 29, George MOZINGO Sr, (15th from top), 100000001-00101, Males: 1->under 5 (?), 1->60-70 (George); Females: 1->10-15 (?), 1->20-30 (Jane Tobin?);  Pensioner: George MOZINGO, 79, Total 4.

Rappahannock, VA, 6, Morgan MOZINGO, Jr, (2nd from bottom), 000001-01001, Males: 1->30-40 (Morgan); Females: 1->5-10 (Amanda), 1->20-30 (Cassandra); Total 3.

Rappahannock, VA, 29, Morgan MOZINGO Sr, (14th from top), 000000001-00001101, Males: 1->60-70 (Morgan); Females: 1->20-30 (?), 1->30-40 (?), 1->50-60 (Ann); Total 4.

Rappahannock, VA, 24, Robert MOZINGO, (12th from top) 01100001-222001, Males: 1->5-10 (Samuel), 1->10-15 (John Wesley), 1->50-60 (Robert); 2->under 5 (Phoebe, Martha), 2->5-10 (Catherine, Rebecca), 2->10-15 (Caroline, ?), 1->30-40 (Fanny); Total 10.

Rappahannock, VA, 24, William MOZINGO, (7th from bottom), 101001-121101, Males: 1->under 5 (?), 1->10-15 (?), 1->30-40 (William); Females: 1->under 5 (Frances), 2->5-10 (Sarah, ?), 1->10-15 (?), 1->15-20 (?), 1->30-40 (Catherine); Total 9.

Richmond, VA, 8/44, Christopher MOZINGO, (8th from top) 122001-000001-lsl, Males: 1->under 5 (Edwin), 2->5-10 (Meredith, Fauntlenroy), 2->10-15 (Barnes, Jonathan), 1->30-40 (Christopher); Females:1->30-40 (Frances); 1 Slave; Total 8.

Richmond, VA, 2/38, Reuben B. MOZINGO, 1010000001-00212, (12th from bottom), Males: 1->under 5 (?), 1->10-15 (Miskell?), 1->60-70 (Reubin); Females: 2->10-15 (?, ?), 1->15-20 (?), 2->20-30 (Juliett, Mary); Total 8.

Rockingham, VA, 80, Benjamin MOZINGO, (2nd from bottom), 2210001-001101; Males: 2->under 5 (Benjamin, ?), 2->5-10 (Samuel Hezekiah, ?), 1->10-15 (James Franklin), 1->40-50 (Benjamin); Females:1->10-15 (Sarah), 1->15-20 (Martha Ann), 1->30-40 (Cynthia); Total 9.

Washington, VA, 235, George MOZINGO, (8th from top), 00000001-00000001; Males: 1->50-60 (George abt 58); Females: 1->50-60 (Rachel); Total 2.

Washington VA 235, William MORINGO, (4th from bottom of M's), 00000001-00000001; Males: 1->50-60 (William); Females: 1->50-60 (Mildred); Total 2.

Westmoreland, VA, 292, John MAZINGO, (1st on page), 00001-00001, Males: 1->20-30 (John); Females: 1->20-30 (?); Total 2.

Westmoreland, VA, 292, Joseph MAZINGO, (18th from top), 00001-0, Males: 1->20-30 (Joseph), No Females; Total 1.

Westmoreland, VA, 292, Newton MAZINGO, (7th from top), 2000001-001001, Males: 2->under 5 (Samuel, ?), 1->40-50 (Newton age 40); Females: 1->10-15 (Jane), 1->30-40 (Elizabeth); Total 5.

Westmoreland, VA, 292, Pierce MAZINGO, (11th from top), 0010001-0001001, Pierce MAZINGO, Males: 1->10-15 (?), 1->40-50 (Pierce); Females: 1->15-20 (Elizabeth), 1->40-50 (Nancy); Total 4.

Westmoreland, VA, 292, Thomas MAZINGO, (10th from top), 01110001-00021001, Males: 1->5-10 (William), 1->10-15 (Pierce), 1->15-20 (John?), 1->50-60 (Thomas); Females: 2->15-20 (Ellen, ?), 1>20-30 (Ruth?), 1->50-60 (Rebecca); Total 8.

Westmoreland, VA, 293, Thomas MAZINGO, Jr, (11th from top), 01110001-00021001; Males: 1->5-10, 1->10-15, 1->15-20, 1->50-60; 2->15-20, 1->20-30, 1->50-60; Total 8.

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