Cool X-Men Analysis

Hehe...saw this one someone's website...

At first glance, this Asian women seems to be a bad ass; she beat the crap out of her share of people in the movie. But what if we look deeper? Kelly Hu as Lady Deathstryke only has one line in the entire movie: "What are you doing here?" A question, not even a definite statement. She is controlled, able only to fight, ask questions, and receive orders. If we look past her bad ass exterior, we see a silent, submissive slave, subservient to her master's every will, a master who hates her kind but uses her to fulfill his evil desires. Is this so different from a racist white man's fantasy of a silent, submissive Asian woman, subservient to her master's every desire, using her to fulfill his appetites, both sexual and for power, even though he hates her kind? Just something I was thinking about...