Artistic 'Vision'
[Camera on Tulio & Chel, playing hand games]
Miguel: What we have one of the most serious people I've ever seen...playing hand games..
[Tulio sees Miguel; hides behind Chel, who is also shocked]
Miguel: [laughs] Say hi to the camera...the camera loves you...
Chel: [waves excitedly]
[Altivo jumps into view behind them. Tulio hides behind a coat and moves. Camera follows]
Miguel: Say hi Tulio!
Tulio: Turn it off! [throws coat at Miguel]
[Camera goes to Tulio, Altivo, & Chel]
Miguel: 21st century...
Tulio: [throws roll of tape at Miguel]
Miguel: Sonova-- (AN: That REALLY hurt! >.<)
[Altivo swishes tail, Chel still waving; Tulio moves away, camera follows]
Miguel: Don't try to run away partner...
Tulio: Stop it!
[Camera moves to Bibo]
Miguel: Here's our little armadillo friend...who decided to follow us
[Camera switches to Altivo]
Miguel: Lookit the horse...thinks he's a tree... [Altivo sways] Lookit the tree move!
[Pans to Bibo]
Miguel: Back to the armadillo again... [Bibo reads] Armadillos are very smart...they can read...Say hi armadillo!
Bibo: [squeaks]
Miguel: [giggles]
[Pan to Tulio & Chel, Tulio brushing Chel's hair]
Miguel: And here we have pretty little Tulio, doing Chel's hair....this is one for the captions! He makes a wonderful hairdresser, don't you think guys?
[Tulio takes a bow]
Miguel: This wouldn't have anything to do with the drugs I slipped in his drink this morning...don't ask.
[Pan to Bibo]
Miguel: Back to that armadillo [turns camera] And now...SIDEWAYS! It's falling!
[Pan back to Tulio & Chel]
Miguel: Look, he's not shy in front of the camera anymnore...
[Back to Bibo, who is pouting]
Miguel: Look how sad the armadillo looks...sad sad armadillo...
[os] Tulio: Oh Miguel...
Miguel: off
[Fade. Return] (This is where Karu and Seppy switched charas ^.^)
[close of Bibo]
Tulio: here's the armadillo...trying to eat the camera I think...
[Pan to Miguel]
Tulio: My partner Miguel...
[Pan to Altivo]
Tulio: His horse Altivo... [Miguel steps into shot] Can you...get out...[moves camera, Miguel follows] No, get...
[To Chel]
Tulio: And Chel...Now...these four people, and animals and such...and myself...are going on a journey...
Miguel: [reaches for camera] Here...
Tulio: No, my I don't wanna be on...
[Cut shot to Tulio, frowning]
Miguel: And Tulio!
[Bibo hugs Tulio]
Miguel: Aww...sweet bi-species love...
Tulio: o.O...I think this thing's trying to molest me...
[Cut to group shot, Tulio controlling the camera again]
Tulio: We're going on a journey as soon as everyone's ready...
[Everyone walks]
Tulio: Hey, do you know how to read the map?
Miguel: [stops short] We go THAT way!
[Into a cave]
Tulio: Does anyone know where we're going?
Bibo: [shakes head]
Tulio: You don't think he knows what he's doing either, do you?
Bibo: [shakes head]
[Altivo jumps on Miguel]
Tulio: I thought the guy was supposed to ride the horse, not the other way around...
Miguel: [cracking up] Cut! Cut!
Tulio: Sorry Miguel, this is live...
[Bibo jumps on Altivo]
Altivo: [falls over]
[Bibo jumps on Miguel next]
Miguel: [screams and falls]
[Bibo hops on Chel]
Chel: [eeps and falls]
[Bibo goes to jump on Tulio]
T: AHH!! Rabid aramdillo!! DOWN!!
[Fade. Return.]
Tulio: Okay, that never happened.
[Altivo walks over to Tulio]
Tulio: Hey, what's this horse doing?
Miguel: o.O...I's trying to rape you...
Tulio: CUT!!
[Fade. Return.]
Tulio: Okay, THAT definately never happened! Didn't we have a journey to make or something?
Miguel: New discovery, we found a room in the cave! [licks the camera lense]
Tulio: GAH! Stop that!
Miguel: [hooks up mic]
Tulio: He's gonna strangle me with a mic cord... [gags]
Miguel: [sings] I love you, but you put a restraining order on me...
[The group walks into the cave room.]
Miguel: Let's go!
[Upon entering the cave room, focus on two other people]
Miguel: These are the two high priests of the cave! [drags camera up to one of them] This is the second in charge. Can we get a few words?
Priest 2: Hello.
Miguel: [o.O] And in their native language too! [goes over to the other] And what do you have to say?
Priest 1: Happy Halloween.
Miguel: Amazing!
Tulio: [plays along] They have their own holidays here too!
Priest 1: We also have our own weapons! [pulls a sword from the wall]
Miguel: HOLY--!!!
Tulio: Ahhh!
Chel: What the?!
[Everyone backs to the enterance of the cave]
Miguel: [bows] We're sorry to have angered you! we'll leave the high priests to their own devices now.
Tulio: [can't hear him cuz he's not in mic range]
Miguel: Huh? [gives T the mic]
Tulio: I said it'd be easier without the mic. You can hear us anyways!
Miguel: Tulio is now jealous cause I get to do all the talking!
Tulio: I'm not jealous! It's just a better idea-
Miguel: IDEA!! [whacks T upside the head]
Tulio: OW! Mother-!!
Miguel: [to Priest 2] What's it like being the second in command?
Priest 2: I'll always be second, never first.
Tulio: Hmm...sensing some rivalry here...
Miguel: [to Priest 1] And what's it like to be in charge of everything...priesty?
Priest 1: Overwhelming.
Chel: Let's go see the other priest!
Tulio: Let's go get him!
Altivo: [agrees]
Bibo: [chirps]
Miguel: [to the priests] Thank you for having us.
[All bow and leave]
Tulio: So where do we find the third priest?
Chel: I know the way.
Tulio: [fouses on B] there's that armadillo again...still folowing us.
[Group goes into the cave again]
Altivo: [runs down the cave]
Miguel: [chases him]
Tulio: Miguel can't control his horse.
[Everyone else runs after, and they get to another cave room]
Miguel: Here's the temple of the third high priest!
[Everyone goes in]
Miguel: We have here the third priest! Do you have anything to say?
Priest 3: I'm eating.
Tulio: [gasps] He's eating a sacrifice!
Miguel: We'll just wait until you're done.
Tulio: [hears music] Hey...let's take a break! Even intrepid explorers can take a dance break!
Miguel: Eventhough you don't dance...
Tulio: That's why I'm on the camera!
[Everyone else, including A and B, start dancing]
Tulio: Wow...that armadillo can really jam with it.
Miguel: Hey, lookit me! I can dance!
Tulio: [ignores him] Even Altivo's down with it!
Miguel: Tulio!!!
Tulio: And Chel's getting jiggy with it too!
Miguel: [runs into the camera] Oops!
Tulio: Aw man! Migueeeeeeel!!!
[fade to black]
And after that, we all danced for awhile, until one of us did a back arch and another tried to and hurt herself. But she's tough and back to her tricks again already! ^.^ You go girl! And the camera was okay too.
^.^ R & R, if only to tell me that we need to be killed. That's what my brother said when I showed it to him.
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