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Author: TimberWolf
Written: ??-??-??
Rating: NC-17
Genre: PWP
Plot: Our heroes hide in a hayloft to escape an angry mob.

The Best Laid Plans

The quiet of the stable loft was shattered as two men dived inside, frantically barring the shutters behind them. The blond looked at his partner with a wild, exhilarated grin, “We made it!”

“Okay,” Tulio panted, gasping for breath as he whispered, “new plan ....” He tugged uselessly at the ropes binding his wrists together tightly behind his back. “First, you untie me, and then we get out of this God forsaken town before we both end up getting our necks stretched ... or worse.” He turned away, extending his bound wrists toward his partner.

When nothing happened, he shot a quick glance over his shoulder. “Miguel?”

Miguel stood behind Tulio, panting, the excitement of the chase still boiling through his blood. He looked at his tall partner. Wisps of wavy black hair were escaping from the neat tie at the back of Tulio’s neck. His chest rose and fell rapidly as he sucked air into his lungs, his back arched as the firm binding on his wrists pulled his shoulders back. Small splashes of gooey black tar stubbornly held on to a few scattered goose feathers despite the race they’d just run. A pair of large blue eyes fixed a squinting scowl in Miguel’s direction as his partner repeated, “Miguel?”

A sly, feral grin tugged at the corners of Miguel’s lips as he lifted his gaze to meet Tulio’s. “Good plan,” he murmured, “but there’s no rush, is there? We should probably wait here a while. Give that angry mob some time to give up and go home.” Before Tulio could reply, Miguel pushed him off balance, knocking him to his back in the soft hay.

Landing with a grunt, back arched over his bound hands, Tulio grinned back at his blond partner. “Miguel...” he growled. The growl turned into a deep, rumbling groan as Miguel pushed aside Tulio’s vest and lifted his shirt to press a string of teasing nibbles along Tulio’s taut, quivering belly.

“Madre de Dios!” Tulio whispered, pressing himself up against Miguel’s lips. He tugged helplessly at his bonds, arching against the blond.

Miguel chuckled at Tulio’s panting exclamation and desperate writhing. He revelled in his partner’s shuddering moan as he unbuckled Tulio’s belt, and unlaced his trousers, tugging them down to the thief’s knees.

“Miguel, please,” Tulio whispered, blue eyes meeting green in a desperate plea.

Straddling his captive partner’s hips, Miguel settled on Tulio’s thighs, effectively preventing any escape attempt. Letting his gaze drift slowly up the slender body beneath his own, Miguel made no attempt to disguise the predatory gleam shining in his heavy-lidded eyes.

Leaning down, Miguel planted his palms on either side of Tulio’s shoulders. Brushing his lips softly up his partner’s neck, he breathed hotly into the thief’s ear, “What is it you want Tulio?”

Eyes drifting closed, Tulio cleared his throat sharply, “U-untie me.”

Trailing teasing, nibbling kisses along Tulio’s pointed jaw line, Miguel let his fingers brush across a taut nipple before sliding down Tulio’s quivering belly to tickle at his navel. “Are you sure that’s what you want?”

Tulio’s eyes drifted closed as he shuddered under his partner’s sure fingers. “No...” he whispered, “please...”

Miguel leaned forward once more, resting his full length against his taller partner’s; pressing his own heated erection against Tulio’s matching length. “No, don’t do this,” he grinned, “or no, you’re not sure what you want?” The grin grew. “Because, Tulio,” the blond murmured, running his fingers lightly over his partner’s rough, whiskered jaw, turning Tulio’s face around to meet his own intense green stare, “I am very sure.”

“Miguel, please,” Tulio moaned softly.

The blond simply arched a brow, waiting.

Tulio opened his eyes, pleading blue locked onto Miguel’s knowing green, “Please don’t stop,” he whispered.

Chuckling, Miguel pressed his lips against his partner’s ear. “Don’t worry, I’m not finished with you yet.”

Miguel brushed his fingers through Tulio’s dark hair, smoothing the unruly loose strands, plucking the occasional goose feather free. Lifting one of the long white feathers by the shaft, he twirled it thoughtfully back and forth between his fingers.

Grinning ferally down at his bound partner, Miguel brushed the feather tip lightly down Tulio’s nose, teasing it back and forth across his lips and then trailing it down his partner’s throat.

Tulio swallowed heavily, tugging again at the bonds securing his wrists together behind his back, squirming and twisting in his futile attempt to avoid the soft brushing torment.

Miguel shifted his attention lower, focusing his gaze on his partner’s small brown nipples. He trailed lazy circles around the puckered nubs with the feather’s soft white edges, before flicking the tip across each several times in turn.

He grinned at Tulio’s soft moan, and continued, drawing an invisible line down his partner’s heaving chest before pausing to dig the feather’s tip into Tulio’s quivering belly button.

“Miguel,” the muted shuddering groan emanated from deep within Tulio’s chest.

The blond trembled. Hearing the undisguised desire in his partner’s rough voice shot a bolt of fire straight to his own burgeoning cock. Miguel sucked in a deep breath before turning his attention back to the matters at hand.

He trailed the feather tip in a whisper-soft caress along the length of Tulio’s leaking shaft, careful to maintain the barest pressure. He chuckled softly, watching Tulio shudder as he twisted in his bonds, unable to get away from, or closer to, the tormenting strokes. His partner’s rumbling breathless mutters were rapidly descending into incoherence.

Miguel leaned forward to whisper against his partner’s ear. “Tell me what you’d like, Tulio,” he breathed, “tell me what you need.”

“You, Miguel,” came the strangled response, “fuck me now.”

“Suck me?” the blond chuckled, sliding down Tulio’s lean body. “Is that what you said?” Miguel wrapped his lips around his partner’s straining shaft.

Tulio growled wildly, bucking into the blonde’s mouth. “Fuck me, Miguel!”

“Ah Tulio,” Miguel’s bright green eyes met his partner’s passion clouded blue ones with a mischievous sparkle. “I always knew my days as an acrobat would come in handy.”

Kneeling up straight, Miguel stretched his arms upward, clasping his hands over his head. He twisted to the left and right, and then arched his back in each direction. Then with a wide, lascivious grin, he shifted position, spreading Tulio’s knees to settle between them. Miguel lifted his partner up, pulling Tulio’s ass forward to rest on his thighs.

The blond wrapped a fist around his own aching shaft, stroking once, then again, smoothing the slick pre-come around his cock’s flared head. Holding Tulio steady with one hand, Miguel centred himself against his partner’s tight entrance, at the same time as he reached forward, extending a soft lick against Tulio’s engorged shaft. With a shuddering groan of completion Miguel pressed forward, exulting in the sensation of smooth tight heat enveloping his aching cock at the same moment that Tulio’s hard satin length filled his mouth.

A shiver echoing Miguel’s groan quaked through Tulio’s entire body as the blond began slowly rocking his hips. With a shout of triumph, Tulio arched. Miguel’s throat was flooded with semen at the same instant as he felt Tulio’s ass clench spasmodically around his own hard length. One last thrust, and Miguel’s own orgasm exploded.

Miguel collapsed onto his partner, gasping. After a moment’s rest, he rolled to the side, nestling in the soft hay next to Tulio. He nuzzled against Tulio, reaching around him to work at the bindings knotted around his wrists.

Tulio lay passive and gasping for breath, neither helping nor hindering Miguel’s progress. “New plan,” he panted softly.

Miguel grinned, eyebrow arching as he waited expectantly.

“I say we bide our time here in the hay,” Tulio panted, “for a few hours at least.”

Miguel chuckled, “That’s your plan, is it?”

“Absolutely,” Tulio murmured with a grin.

“Well,” Miguel pressed a soft kiss against his partner’s lips. “I like it...” he whispered, settling into Tulio’s warm embrace.

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