A Review of 'Gold & Glory'

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Well, what was I supposed to do? I couldn't resist! The movie wasn't enough for me, I had to go and buy the GAME!

I think I preffer the 2D versions..

I decided on the Playstation version, but it also comes in Gameboy and PC forms.

The first thing to hit me was the state of the animation while the intro was playing (The whole 'It was morning!' thing.), I have to say I was a bit dissappointed. In fact I was cringing all the way through it.
I mean I knew it wasn't going to be exactly top-of-the-range quality, but it was still a bit of a shock. The 3D Miguel scares me!

The voices take a lot of getting used to, too. I really wish they had got someone with a voice more similar to Kevin Kline's instead of whoever they actually got to speak as Tulio. Whoever did Miguel's voice did a better job, but it's still off-putting.

For those who can't see it, cause it's a stupid crappy jpg image, that fuzzy brown thing is a donkey.

Other than that, though, it's an incredibly funny game. Tulio steals all the best lines, and it's really worth talking to everyone whenever possible, especially Miguel (or Tulio if you're playing Miguel at the time), as this often turns up the funniest lines.
And the numerous barrel scenes has me and my sister cracking up every time we played it.
And don't even get me started on Tulio in that green dress!

It really brings out the colour of his eyes..

Another nice feature, everytime someone speaks, the words flash up on the screen in a cute little font, in different colours depending on who is speaking. Thats a good thing if you're playing at 2am and you want to follow the story but without waking your parents up. :-D

I did think T & M were a bit out-of-character in some places, for example when they're in the Brig, it's Tulio who talks to Altivo and it's Miguel who thinks Altivo is 'just a stupid horse'.
Also Tulio constantly calling Miguel 'Big Guy' nearly drove me insane. It was funny at first, but now it's just annoying, and so.. So unTulioish, I guess.
Just silly little things I know, but it still irritated me.

Moving the characters around is a bit of a challenge too, but once you get the hang of it it's easy enough, though figuring out how to jump caused me much confusion when crossing that damn river.
The puzzles and tasks are challenging if you've never tried this sort of game before, but not so difficult that you'd get stuck on a level for hours. Even though trying to escape from a ship with only a sock and a biscuit isn't exactly the easiest thing to do. ;o)

Another brilliant thing about the Brig scene! Dirty jokes! Woohoo!
Well, only if you have an overactive imagination, a dirty mind, and a tendancy to read too much into things.
When Tulio is banging his head on the wall, Miguel starts yelling 'Harder, Tulio! Harder!'. Being the dirty-minded people that we are, me and my sister both cracked up. There's also another good one about 'Sliding Tulio into the hole..' but by then I'm laughing too much to notice what Miguel says after that.

The movie clips between levels are brilliant, although the fact that they cut out the sound (so no one would notice the difference in voices, perhaps) takes a little getting used to.

This review is pretty negative. I don't know why, I absolutely LOVE this game.
So forget everything I said before and simply focus on this: It is a fantasic game, it will make you laugh so much your sides actually hurt, and it's well worth the money. So go out and buy it. Go on, get off your arse and buy it.
Or stay sitting there and buy it online, if you preffer. Either way, give the nice people your money and take home Miguel and Tulio! Who wouldn't want that?