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Morning Ablutions

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Author: TimberWolf
Written: April 2002
Rating: NC-17
Genre: PWP
Plot: This one is basically sex without a story. ;) Just so you know. (Quickie - Showers)

Morning Ablutions

Tulio knuckled at his tired eyes as a huge yawn cracked his jaw. He struggled to sit, slowly stretching the kinks out of his back. Where in God's name...

Oh yeah. He groaned inwardly. Map. Jungle. El Dorado.

Abruptly, the cacophony of sound that had somehow faded into the back of his mind burst forth again in its full glory. Birdcalls, monkeys chattering, even insects; but beneath it all, the rumbling, constant roar of a waterfall.

Reaching to scratch at the persistent itch across his back, he shrugged. A quick dunk under some rushing water might not be such a terrible idea.

Following the thunderous echo of the waterfall, Tulio wound his way, bit by bit, through the dense foliage. Grumbling under his breath with every step, he swatted a last stand of fern fronds out of the way and stopped dead in his tracks, grumbles fading to silence. Wide- eyed, Tulio could only stare in awe at the vision in front of him.

Miguel stood naked under the spray. Head thrown back, eyes closed, he let the water wash over him, showering across his shoulders, running in shining rivulets down every slope of honeyed flesh.

Tulio gaped, swallowing sharply as Miguel's hands began to drift. With seemingly infinitely slow movements, the blonde's long fingers swept across his face, pushing his hair back out of his eyes before sliding down the back of his neck.

Miguel arched his back, stretching as his hands glided over his shoulders and down his chest. Tulio's eyes followed as his partner's fingers brushed across his taut nipples on their leisurely journey downward.

The thundering roar of the waterfall drowned out the twin groans from the two men as Miguel's fingers curled around his burgeoning erection.

Suddenly energized, Tulio tore frantically at his clothing, tossing each item aside in his haste to join Miguel.


Miguel moaned, thrusting into his own water-slicked grip. If only...

He gasped as a warm body pressed against his back. One strong arm wrapped tightly around his chest as the other slid down his own arm, fingers twining together with the ones already curled around his aching cock. He arched with a sigh, pumping his cock into that snug grasp as he felt its hard, hot twin nudge against his thighs.

He let his head fall back against Tulio's shoulder, as he shifted slightly back and forth, pushing into their fingers and then rubbing back against his partner's erection.

He revelled in the strangled moan that vibrated through Tulio's chest, smiling widely as Tulio's grip tightened and he began to frantically buck their slippery bodies together.

The rumble of the waterfall drowned Tulio's shout, but Miguel felt the warm gush of his partner's climax against his thighs and the clutch of Tulio's fingers around him as he shuddered against Miguel's back.

A single thrust more and Miguel followed his partner, tumbling over the edge of arousal into the sweet rush of release.

The water continued to wash over them as the two men held each other tight, panting, their heartbeats slowing to a more normal pace.

With a quick hug, Tulio bellowed to be heard over the din, "Mornin', Miguel!"

"Morning," Miguel smiled, pushing his hair back out of his eyes, "Partner!"

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